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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. we'll try to keep them in their cage for ya. but i can't recommend travel west of the rockies right now though. we're on red alert over here.
  2. olyclimber

    Spacemen 3

    i do not, that is why the post. looking for someone who might have such music laying around...
  3. I was going to take the family out for a few iceclimbing FAs. Just have to find some crampons that will fit Ulee.
  4. http://www.atmos.washington.edu/data/state_report.html http://www.nwac.us/products/SABSEA
  5. time for you to stock up for your Burke Gilman rampages!
  6. olyclimber

    Ha ha suckers

    Oh ya? well Sunday night I'll be asleep while you're toiling away!
  7. olyclimber

    Spacemen 3

    look at the size of those lips. you could use those for pontoons on a float plane.
  8. Its not the east or the west side....its the DARK SIDE!
  9. olyclimber

    Spacemen 3

  10. olyclimber

    Spacemen 3

  11. olyclimber

    Spacemen 3

  12. olyclimber

    Spacemen 3

  13. olyclimber

    Spacemen 3

    too easy. i like a challenge
  14. take a break and tune your instrument. it will sound much better.
  15. olyclimber

    Spacemen 3

  16. olyclimber

    Spacemen 3

    maybe they were vinyl blowups for you, all I need are the CDs or MP3z.
  17. Oh my god!
  18. olyclimber

    Spacemen 3

    HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THE BEACH BOYS? THEY'RE KILLER! oh..and hand over any Spacemen 3 cds you might have.
  20. olyclimber

    Spacemen 3

    Does anyone listen to that shite?
  21. good catch peter. we need to hold this little rascals feet to the fire!
  22. I'm concerned about the sentences used by this Casewag character. They don't seem to be complete thoughts. I'm wondering how you can stand talking to him.
  23. Just bringing the stoke
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