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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. I just am amazed at the collective IQ of the people who have posted in this thread!!!
  2. olyclimber

    Living With War

    did you listen to the last album? you could put a baby to sleep with it. i'm not saying it isn't "good", it just isn't for me.
  3. olyclimber

    Living With War

    olyclimber=man who cried "Judas"
  4. olyclimber

    Living With War

    ya, i'm just thinking of the last album he put out, haven't had a chance to listen to this new one yet. Cortez the Killer
  5. olyclimber

    Living With War

    btw, do you know who "Butler, the man who cried "Judas" is?
  6. olyclimber

    Living With War

    Sorry I can't all be bubbling with glowing enthusiam like you Chucky. I lost my pom poms.
  7. PM sent on the Patagonia hardman suit
  8. bump....good thread.
  9. olyclimber

    Living With War

    blasphemy, I know, but that guy has been slowing down from the good ole days. i preferred it when he was more rocking, less sensitive old dude acoustic.
  10. think about your quality of life. do you really need the extra money? i don't think it is a moral decision....more of a financial/opportunity cost situation. i were you I would quit all work and subsist purely off of dumpster diving.
  11. niether is Alaska.
  12. I say we invade Alaska. I hear they have plenty of oil.
  13. when you fill up your car with gas
  14. olyclimber

    trader joes

    you mean crumpets? they are good...and cheaper than English muffins. But seriously, the staff there seem 100 times nicer than supermarket staff elsewhere, except maybe Whole Foods--where do they find these people willing to make checkout wages?? They must have some kind of profit-sharing thing going on. I can't figure it out. yes, crumpets. good stuff.
  15. Just had to try one of the other ones...
  16. sweet pictures. when is the guidebook coming out..."500 Climbs and Scrambles in Washington State"
  17. ya, i think my break was made worse by my brother riding me the 1/2 mile back to the house on the handlebars of his bike.
  18. Damn, I was hoping more for a Tron-like future...or at least a Logan's Run future.
  19. Not really great reporting there...shouldn't they be presenting the facts and letting the viewers decide?
  20. reminds of the the practice of carving your route info into a rock and leaving in at the base of the climb that was done down at Indian Creek...till someone decided to go smash all the carved rocks.
  21. olyclimber

    trader joes

    psssstttt!! my record for expense for one shopping trip to trader joes is well over $300. you're going to need to be a little more lavicious to keep up. have you tried the chocolate pudding, those little british scone thingers that you throw in the toaster, or the gyozas? lots of good stuff there.
  22. Ok Here's a hillary post Better? damn that is better than angelina and britney. hawt!!!
  23. the animals are crying!!!!!
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