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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. layton and ivan were both at ropeup this year...but both of those oregonians failed to bring the fable oregon party animal with them.
  2. not necessarily on cc.com, but link from wherever. Cool pic of the traverse of the gods:
  3. for girls, math is hard.
  4. when i am not broken i can out party anyone from oregon or BC. while i can't out climb anyone, that doesn't mean anything, because i know how to have fun.
  5. people from British Columbia think they are above people from the US. While this is technically correct, latitudinally, it should not be carried any further than that. and don't forget we have Alaska!
  6. in general, people from oregon thinks their shit doesn't stink. let me tell you something....it does.
  7. there are a few cool people in washington, but mostly they suck too.
  8. in general, with a few minor exceptions, everyone from Oregon and British Columbia are assclowns. mmmkay?
  9. http://web.mit.edu/gjordan/www/creation/slides/_DSC2403.html
  10. he is a derelict fucknut poser
  11. http://www.komotv.com/news/local/11492296.html
  12. olyclimber

    Sharia Law

  13. http://wordsmith.org/~anu/java/spirograph.html http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_t/104-9816364-6723938?url=search-alias%3Dtoys-and-games&field-keywords=spirograph&x=0&y=0
  14. dude, you could have read the thread and responded like anyone else. if you want to submit something for a sticker, we are making them as well.
  15. olyclimber


  16. You won't admit you love me And so how am I ever to know? You always tell me Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps A million times I've asked you, And then I ask you over again You only answer Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps If you can't make your mind up We'll never get started And I don't wanna wind up Being parted, broken-hearted So if you really love me Say yes, but if you don't dear, confess And please don't tell me Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps If you can't make your mind up We'll never get started And I don't wanna wind up Being parted, broken-hearted So if you really love me Say yes, but if you don't dear, confess And please don't tell me Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
  17. i don't know. could be. maybe not. can neither confirm nor deny.
  18. I have not been this riveted watching a TV program since finding the cable channels that almost my relatives almost got.
  19. http://www.cnn.com/2007/LIVING/personal/11/16/flying.spaghettimonster.ap/index.html
  20. Wow Mark..thats impressive. Thanks!
  21. We have someone in mind, but are open to suggestions.
  22. Hopefully before Xmas we'll have them available.
  23. that fucker stood in between me and a carnivorous festival at AlpineDave's house tonight. THANKS FOR RUINING MY PLANS MR. WANNABE SUICIDE!
  24. FRONT (in normal name badge size on the wearers left breast: one of these...
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