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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. So who would buy such a shirt? I would print on black shirt, white or yellow image. post here if you would buy
  2. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22060519/
  3. this is important stuff! who do you think had the most fun though?
  4. thanks for the dispatch
  5. olyclimber


    sweet avatar pic... here are the lyrics to my favorite melvins song: Los ticka toe rest. Might likea sender doe ree. Your make a doll a ray day sender bright like a penelty. Exi-tease my ray day member half lost a beat away. Purst in like a one way sender war give a heart like a fay. Cuz I can ford a red eed only street a wide a ree land. Die-mond make a mid-evil bike a sake a like a ree caste. Cuz I can ford a red eed only street a wide a ree land. On a ree land. Find a ree land. You sink a my swan. Rolly a get a worst in. Maybe minus way far central poor forty duck a pin. Milk maid dud bean. Master a load a head. Pill pop a dope a well run general hash pump a gonna led.
  6. olyclimber


  7. Jeezus Seahawks, you're such a fucktard. Can't you see that carbon fuel emissions are killing the sun spots? Just for that I'm going to make you watch this
  9. Mike, Let me first get it off my chest that you're the reason I joined Cascadeclimbers.com. You're my inspiration. You make life worth living. Before life was pretty scary, and some how I pulled through to make it to cc.com, and then there was you. You made it easy. Amazing Trip Reports. Funny Hijinks. You were there for me. Even though you were in Portland, I knew you were in the Pacific Northwest. I knew I could relate to you because of that. I knew you were "one of us". I knew I could count on you. I thought of you as brother. One of my family. At Christmas when I opened my gifts I thought of you and wondered what you were doing and if your presents were cool. I thought of you when I was stuck in a obligation when on a nice weekend...what routes were you on? Did you go for that big alpine route? Would you live? There were many sleepless nights. I remember when we first met. The very second, actually. It was at Second Ascent. You were working there. When I shook your hand, I don't know if you noticed, but I was trembling. It was a great moment, one for the ages...if only a photographer could have captured the moment. Our paths crossed maybe once more, maybe twice. You became a Seattlite, like me. You moved into the Lonely City. The City of No Friends. The City of Malcontent. I felt your loneliness, but I could not reach out. I was stuck in the same rut, but because of obligation I cannot leave like you. I can't just run away like a little baby. I can't just uproot and go start over. Take my ball and run away. Instead, I'll crack this nut. If I can make here, I'll make it anywhere! But I support your decision to leave. I love Utah. The Mormons are weird, I suggest you read Under The Banner Of Heaven before you leave. It will help your torment your new neighbors appropriately. I suggest you start a new religion down there. I'll be coming down to visit during that outdoor gear expo they have down there. I'll fully expect that you'll have a place for me to stay. And we'll miss you. But really, it isn't that far away...and anyway Kat is right....you'll be back.
  10. olyclimber

    New Topic!

    This one is all about you!
  11. Space Cake Break at the Titicaca Lake!
  12. R U HUNG LIKE A BAT???????????
  13. sickie
  14. Click here to go to the CC.com Ice Climbing Photo Gallery
  15. olyclimber


    Don't click this
  16. Cool! That looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for the pics and report, can't wait to able to get back out in the Olympics.
  17. zqxEiPNm1Ow
  18. rapture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  19. ahh...the vicious internets slandering the good senators name...
  20. http://bigheaddc.com/2007/11/26/trent-lott-fallout-the-gay-escort-who-knew-too-much/
  21. going for it. LOW PRICES. probably spiked with old motor oil or something.
  22. Anyone use Snyder Discount Oil? Or can recommend another company for low prices and good oil?
  23. EoVrIjFVNT0
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