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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. sometime you should try tops. it isn't your natural position, but a little variety is good for you from time to time
  2. did you spend 4 hours shading the upper lip?
  3. tis better to give then to receive
  4. hell, lets have a hullabaloo
  5. window licker
  7. Be careful out there folks
  8. I'd drink that if they made a malt licker version.
  9. if you guys want i can tell you how it really is
  10. it seems that xmas has become two holidays...one that those that see it as a religious holiday celebrate...the other a consumer/gift giving holiday of consumption...a celebration of wealth in some ways. so i would bet most aetheists spend xmas morning or eve opening presents.
  11. no patch for the REI pinnacle either. totally missing out on a cash cow there....
  12. olyclimber

    Dear Santa

    you better deliver
  13. so they were doing it wrong? well, serves them right for being sneaky cheaters.
  14. sorry to be in such poor taste, but did she let you watch????
  15. olyclimber


    Good news for RUMr! There will be acting jobs soon available: http://www.theonering.net/torwp/2007/12/18/28150-peter-jackson-and-new-line-cinema-join-with-mgm-to-produce-%e2%80%9cthe-hobbit%e2%80%9d/
  16. I was going to start Climbers4Nihilism but it never got off the ground. We got mired in discussions whether the mountains even existed or not, and what was the point of such effort in absence of any objective truth or morality.
  17. its the same old google ads we've been using for a while. apparently they think the keyword "jackass" fits this site somehow.
  18. his noodley appendage
  19. does the member really have to be 10-12 inches? is bigger ok?
  20. olyclimber

    great fun

    the best photo of Hugh riding a unicorn playing a flute with 10-15 goats following him (ala the pied piper) wins
  21. sickie
  22. Glad you're still with us Rob. With my near death earlier this year I know I got all sappy and told my family I loved them, etc. Luckily I got over all that pretty quick. So don't worry, you'll lose that perspective quick enough. LOL, just kidding brah. It is pretty cool when all the contrivances of humankind fall away (work, laws, money, etc) and you understand what is really important. happy bday.
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