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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. gfp9PRIxt-g
  2. so far only 5 people have said they would like a cc.com sausage. WHAT GIVES???? I need those that would like a fine Costco wiener schnitzel to speak up and be heard. WHO WANTS A HOT DOG???
  3. doug just pointed out to me that JJ is back. my son now says that ichiro AND JJ are his favorite players.
  4. I'll be there tonight and will keep an eye out on this issue.
  5. You know Peter, it occurs to me that they can now change "the Safe" to "the Lib".
  6. F*ck the Earth Day - Watch more free videos
  7. Did you go to Liberty Mutual Field last night Peter? http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/6420ap_liberty_mutual_safeco.html
  8. don't forget the tauntaun.
  9. if you do ever find them again consider having them bronzed nothing gets you up a hard lead like a pair of brass balls dru, your poem doesn't rhyme.
  10. ukI13dEPkCs
  11. the worst bee experience i have ever had is watching that Bee Movie by Jerry Sienfeld.
  12. CC.com will be providing dawgs, buns, ketchup and mustard for this killa pikanic. so i need you to post here if you're going to attend so i'll know how many dawgs to bring. post only if you are coming and how many dawgs you think you can eat. if you do not attend and tell me you will then i will hunt you down and make you eat them after they sat in my car for the duration. i don't want to make this like ropeup where we ate all the dawgs in like 5.4322^11 seconds. we need to feel a level of excitement, a certain buzz related to the cc.com pikanic. i heard Mattp will be challenging all takers to an arm wrestling contest. also, there may be a dance contest.
  13. olyclimber

    kewl logo

    thats a g spot. dru already pointed it like 20 threads ago.
  14. olyclimber

    kewl logo

    hmmmmm...might be a little early to declare victory..are they the reason bush's popularity is so low?? and i hear people predicting the demise of Fox News too!
  15. olyclimber

    kewl logo

  16. aren't you glad we aren't a pure democracy? http://www.livescience.com/php/multimedia/imagedisplay/img_display.php?pic=060810_evo_rank_02.jpg&cap=A+chart+showing+public+acceptance+of+evolution+in+34+countries.+The+United+States+ranked+near+the+bottom%2C+beat+only+by+Turkey.+Credit%3A+Science
  17. I think it is accurate to call from a purely semantic (and useless) standpoint what they did over there (Palestine) a democracy. but obviously they didn't address the faction vs. liberty issue discussed there that is addressed by a "fair" and healthy democracy.
  18. thanks. i love this part!:
  19. i always thought of a democracy as a "will of the people". a majority rule. that all there is to it. however, individual rights and liberties can get mangled by democracy for sure, that is the purpose of the various checks and balances that the we (the US) have put into place. likewise we have found the free market to require regulation lest it be too volatile. i'm sure some would object to this comparison, but it seems that regulation h as been the universal answer to market malfunction. i haven't paid a lot of attention to the Hamas "democratic" situation, but I don't doubt that the majority of those particular people would vote for the principles that Hamas eschews. so what do you do when a people vote tyranny onto themselves? isn't that like voting for a Democrat? or perhaps it is like euthanasia, are we going to deny them the right to vote tyranny unto themselves? anyway, it is an interesting discussion, far more interesting that democracy vs. communism vs. facism etc. which are discussions that are all played out IMO. how democratic does democracy have to be to be "right"? obviously the founders here didn't see the "will of the people" a complete democracy without checks and balances and statement of basic individual rights. it is something that we see here where we are a Christian majority, and we see the Christians attempt to pass laws to support their beliefs.
  20. true, true.
  21. sorry if the Truth seems a bit dark to you peter...but don't worry, those that play that game all seem to enjoy the oral arts, so it isn't so bad.
  22. I guess I don't have the same question ( I could care less about how Obama lines up with Carter). But I does make me wonder how honest Obama has been in his campaign speak (well he is a politician, so he must not be honest, right). I thought he was campaigning with the "Speak to our enemies" platform, and I thought Hamas was in power because of a democratic process? His statements in this case don't line up. Is the process of voting all that matters, or do the nature of the regime voted into office and the institutional framework it subsequently establishes for governing the country and exercising power over the population who cast the votes factor into the analysis of regimes that come into power via popular elections? it's all about how we "feel" about a candidate. does he/she look like a good guy/gal? no, its about which lobbys dick is in your mouth.
  23. I guess I don't have the same question ( I could care less about how Obama lines up with Carter). But I does make me wonder how honest Obama has been in his campaign speak (well he is a politician, so he must not be honest, right). I thought he was campaigning with the "Speak to our enemies" platform, and I thought Hamas was in power because of a democratic process? His statements in this case don't line up. Is the process of voting all that matters, or do the nature of the regime voted into office and the institutional framework it subsequently establishes for governing the country and exercising power over the population who cast the votes factor into the analysis of regimes that come into power via popular elections? what are you talking about? the process of voting? isn't that paramount to what "regime" takes power? (i.e. they don't if they aren't voted in). if you aren't voted in then it doesn't really matter what the regimes agenda is. *edit* lol, i now understand you were actually talking about Hamas, not the US pres. elections. Well, I wasn't speaking to the legitimacy of their election. I was talking more about that idea of engaging in a dialogs with our enemies. This was something that Obama said he would do, or so I thought. I would definitely include Hamas in the "enemy of the US" group, and didn't know that there was the condition that they had to be recognized as a country by the US and Isreal before any negotiations could take place (not that they might be fruitful anyway).
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