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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber


    Hubbard for Prez
  2. olyclimber


    not that i think there is anything wrong with the teachings of joseph smith. or scientology for that matter! heck, what if we elect a christian literalist!
  3. olyclimber


    lol. but would you have voted for Mitt???? 4 years for me, 4 wives for you.
  4. The Chinese love the 4th too. They are probably mighty glad they invented the fire cracker.
  5. olyclimber

    Election Over!

    of course he hedges his bets by dissing MCcain as well. he really isn't stupid, is he?
  6. olyclimber

    Election Over!

    here is a sign that people with money think that Obama is going to win. if McCain where likely to be elected, would Rush get that kind of money? The market for Rush will be ripe if Obama is elected. Ready to sow those seeds of discontent! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25501917/ 38 MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR
  7. http://www.sequenceclimbing.com/
  8. i imagine with federal funds being tight that the government's first priority should be trolling bulletin boards for stuff said on there, cuz sometimes its even true!
  9. "It looks as if Pax may soon be headed to “federal pound me in the…” as a certain employee in the movie Office Space exclaimed. " http://www.insidetech.com/news/2216-california-hacker-caught-taking-50k-penny-by-penny
  10. joe, you remember where i live? come by, i have one for you. whoops never mind!
  11. olyclimber

    Election Over!

    i just can't wait for Scottsdale AZ to be running the world
  12. olyclimber

    Election Over!

    oh good heavens no! its a vile thought. i'd rather eat a downer cow.
  13. olyclimber

    Election Over!

    i prefer fresher flesh, though mccain might make excellent jerky.
  14. olyclimber

    Election Over!

    who would you rather BBQ?
  15. so he's a hesher too????
  16. So perhaps one of you could clear up something that has been bothering me for some time now: Is Barack Obsama Bin Hussian Obama really a muslim jihadist?
  17. anyone seen a show at Wamu Theater? whats that like as a venue?
  18. could have just been road rage. which brings up the idea of rebranding road rage to road terror. to gitmo with those bastards too.
  19. olyclimber


    here is your memo qRwsk56lN44
  20. great TR as usual klenke. i think the real measure of difficulty is your own. what is the most difficult climb YOU have done by the measure you're asking?
  21. know what else makes you feel good? car exhaust.
  22. olyclimber


    To say the very fucking least. What does Pakistan have to say about this matter? I thought you guys were all about respecting the sovereignty of nations? Seems to me a slight deviation of course. You have no idea the logistics needed to pull this off with the current state of affairs. you should clarify who you mean by "you guys". the vast conspiracy against you? i'm just finding it interesting the power Pakistan apparently holds over the US. what ever happened to "if you ain't with us, you're against us?" The ultimate goal of the "war on terror" has definitely changed if one of the primary goals isn't to still to get the guy who masterminded the reason we went to war in the first place. a guy who apparently is still plotting against us? makes me think we are losing the war on terror. i'll leave the logistics to what it would take to take out Osama to the experts, but from an arm chair it seems like one opportunely placed predator with sufficient munitions could do the job. and yes, agree with my stalker Hugh, pics pleez.
  23. olyclimber


    Well, I'm sure you'll be gratified and thrilled that Obama will be reviving the George Bush "Faith Based Inititives' that Bush started pre first elections. LA times today I find it interesting that when most people evaluate Bush pre-presidential election - that is, as a Governor, he was a very good Governor by most accounts, a gov who listened to good advisors and mostly did the will of the people while maintaining a tight budget. VS Obama, who looks to have none of that as a pre-presidential candidate Senator. Bush stacks up as a much better Governor than Obama was or is as a senator. You though, believe that although Bush went to hell after he was elected, Obama will somehow magically improve. Like you, I had this hope as well until the dude played the semantic card we are discussion. The first comment on the artical I linked was this: "Oh come on folks - let's just admit it and face it -- Obama (and Axelrod) are using the Karl Rove Playbook to Getting Elected. Obama is going to turn out to be the ultimate panderer and will be known as the "Say Anything Do Anything Kid" -- he's not going to be able to fulfull any of these promises - he has the thinnest resume, the least experience, knowledge and his abilities are totally unknown and untested. So the way to win is to do what Rove did for Bush - and that's what's working for Obama. Its a shame, its sad and its sickening. But too many people keep buying into this - so they are getting the government they deserve and the rest of us stuck with it. " Hmmmmmmmmm, I would have called BS till his flip flop on public funding. Now I see him differently. sure...the thing i don't get is how you see Mccain differently from this. he has done a 180 on a number of his positions very recently. is he the "Say Anything Do Anything Geezer"? i do thing it is pretty challenging for someone who is looking for a person who is consistent about what they stand for, yet admits when they are wrong and adapts while informing that they did so. Honesty is unfortunately not rewarded in politics these days with the spin machines and a media that is more focused on entertaining than informing. i wish you the best in finding a basis for which to justify in your own mind your decision about who you're going to vote for as president. i'm just encouraging you to give them equal scrutiny for the items you appear to be focusing on right now. peace out brutha.
  24. olyclimber


    poli sci = guano studies?
  25. olyclimber


    i suggest you look into precisely what went down. the media isn't communicating this clearly (big surprise there!) i'm sure both sides are spinning it like crazy. i'm not saying he isn't a politician, and i'm not saying he isn't full of it but i think it was basically a "he said/she said" situation regarding the negotiation between the two campaigns on the matter. the one thing that didn't sit well with me though was how fast he made the decision. it sounds like he didn't give it all a chance to be brought in front of the public such that both campaigns had to make a clear choice in the public eye. but then again was there some sort of deadline they were against?
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