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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. dude, if you think that is good, check out this spraysesh: iF14Yytwjg8 if that doesn't get you psyched, i don't know what will. thanks for the local history http://www.metal-archives.com/band.php?id=994
  2. olyclimber

    market forces

  3. might be over the mileage requirements, but Enchanted Valley, east to west. (Oly Pen)
  4. its a cool place. the face, like the SB route, seems to put you in a cool position on the rock at the top of the route...but the climbing is much more difficult. then again, i've only observed some of territory from the beckey route. somebody go get on it and let us know what you think! i would if i climbed .12x
  5. olyclimber

    catch 22

    have you read this?
  6. i have always believed...but what have we done lately? the moon is a long ways away from anything humankind has done since. what up with that? are we too busy blowing our wad on war, when we could be colonizing mars? what happened to the future? gracias, le guin.
  7. well, in W's defense, perhaps he did.
  8. ok Raindawg you've said your piece. i'm leaving your post, but the the OP was looking for route information, not your opinion about the route, in which you are quoting from 3rd hand information. so that is it, you've made your statement and it will remain. if you have anything further to say about your opinion, say it in the rock climbing forum. this forum is for route information, not ethics debates. i'll remove your posts if they aren't on topic to the OPs request. thanks!
  9. saw a pickup down in orygun this weekend that i'm pretty sure would not make it under a freeway overpass, though perhaps the point was that they would attempt to just go over
  10. just at a microsoft conference last week and a room full of engineers trying to come up with the stupidest colloquialism i guess so yeah, a putty nut
  11. grandpa dawg, that wasn't him...
  12. 14 years old is a tough age!
  13. my favorites are hand cracks. its like god made the crack for me to stick my hand in and then hang my body off of it.
  14. i'm pretty sure they are ewes anyway. stop making me think about it.
  15. thanks for the very first Hozomeen TR in the CC.com TR system (apparently) dru! maybe since you're not a boy anymore pope will leave you alone. looks like climbing in the olympics or something!
  16. i got a sweet deal on my mortgage because i worked for a bank. if you have the means, i highly suggest it.
  17. olyclimber

    Election Over!

  18. dude,u feel special? its not to brag,but dont feel special,im 14,iv been training for 7 months and i climb hard 5.11/easy 5.12
  19. olyclimber


    i don't care about america enough to run for president. well, on second thought, i don't hate it that bad
  20. SOA....is that where Team America trains?
  21. strike that. some chinese.
  22. well this story will warm your cockles http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5g0HrxD_Nk9g6oTQxc_Z_-u-T8lZA
  23. olyclimber


    sounds like a cure for drinking to me!
  24. from the ny post (where i get all my news of course) Don't be surprised if you have never heard of Marc Gonsalves, Thomas Howes and Keith Stansell; The Post has published only three substantial stories about them in the past five years. All three are U.S. citizens who were working for Pentagon contractor Northrop Grumman when their surveillance plane crashed in a remote Colombian jungle on Feb. 13, 2003. Since then, they have been hostages of the FARC, confined with chains and forced to endure a nightmarish life of isolation, disease and brutality.
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