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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber

    He's no messiah

    hahhahaahahah "do some research on the internet"...you make me laugh. it has been stated recently that the statement that "those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it" is basically a fallacy (by someone on this board or elsewhere, i can't remember). at this point i would tend to agree with them. it doesn't matter.
  2. i'm glad someone has all the answers
  3. olyclimber

    He's no messiah

    I think the lesson is clear here. Those that are not total experts in Nazi history are nothing.
  4. hasn't there already been a much more effective recent war on capitalism, fought by people "participating" in it?
  5. the one sitting behind a desk reading about it on the internet whose biggest climbing achievement of the year is climbing out of bed
  6. American Alpine Club Cascade Section 2009 Annual Dinner Red Hook Brewery, Woodinville, March 15, 2009 The Cascade Section of the American Alpine Club will be having its annual dinner again this year at the Weatherman's Room of the Red Hook Brewery in Woodinville, WA on Sunday, March 15, 2009 from 6:00-9:00 PM. The cost for the complete evening including dinner, presentations and door raffles is $37.00 for AAC members and $45.00 for non-members. Advance registration is required (see below) and must be received no later than Thursday, March 12, 2009. Sorry, no cash at the door. A cash bar will be available starting at 6:00 PM and dinner will be served at 7:00 PM. The menu for the buffer dinner is: Foreman Dinner Buffet Mixed Field Greens Candied walnuts, blue cheese crumbles, cherry tomatoes, red onions, With ranch & balsamic vinaigrette dressing Baked Salmon & Artichoke Dip Served with fennel crackers Bacon Wrapped Scallops Three Cheese and Spinach Manicotti Topped with Marinara Sauce Dry Rubbed Flat Iron Steak Blackhook demi gloss Grilled Asparagus Drizzled with a chipotle ranch sauce Warm Dinner Rolls Assorted Chocolate Brownies Coffee or Tea Presentations Following dinner, attendees will be treated to presentations from leading alpinists including: "The Road Ahead -The Dissemination of Information, Conservation of Areas We Climb, and Activities that Bring Climbers Together," by Steve Swenson, New President, American Alpine Club. "High Adventures - Achieving Personal Landmarks on the Infinite Spur and Denali Diamond in Alaska and Fitzroy in Patagonia," by Mark Westman, one of the most prolific Alaskan climbers of our generation. "Our Mount Rainier - The Transformation of Camp Muir and Update on the Camp Muir Development Concept Plan," by Patti Wold, Camp Muir DCP Project Manager, Rainier National Park. The evening will conclude with an update on Cascade Section activities by section chairman, Al Schumer, followed by door raffles. Directions Redhook Brewery, 14300 NE 145th Street, Woodinville, WA, 98072 · From I-405 N/S, take the Wenatchee/Monroe exit (#23 East) to Hwy 522 East. · Take the Woodinville exit and stay to the right. · Turn right on NE 175th. · Turn left at the four-way stop onto Highway 202. · Travel approximately two miles. · The Redhook Brewery is on the left, across the Chateau St. Michelle Winery. Registration Please have your credit card ready and call the clubhouse at (303) 384-0110 no later than Thursday, March 12, 2009. Sorry, no cash at the door.
  7. the site was moved to a new server yesterday, and was supposed to make these 404 issues go away. looks like it hasn't. well go figure. time to go beat on the host providers some more.
  8. you guys probably still think that technology is going to solve all your problems.
  9. call it heavy metal noise [video:youtube]0gu4oRzFnP4
  10. I'll be headed that way and back from West Seattle.
  11. that one actually does yield a few hits
  12. olyclimber

    He's no messiah

  13. And if you don't want to got to supertopo: Own a piece of history and help fund the Yosemite Climbing Association! Recently Peter Haan unearthed a fantastic illustration by Steve Gropp of a climber enjoying the benefits that the Hollow Flake on the Salathé has to offer. (The original link is posted below.) During the life of the thread it was decided the artwork would make a fantastic T-shirt illustration. Since I am a glutton for punishment, I took the lead and we are now ready to announce the 2009 Yosemite Climbing Association Benefit T-Shirt! The short-attention span version. Want to help the YCA? Send $25 to the address below before the end of March and get a cool shirt in April. Net proceeds benefit the Yosemite climbing Association. For those more detailed oriented. As I am anal retentive, I am laying out all the particulars in excruciating detail below. If any questions remain, please let me know and I will address them in a jiff. 1. The shirts will have Steve Gropp’s authorized artwork reprinted in three colors (approx. 12” high) on the back of the shirt. The YCA logo appears on the front left breast area approximately 3” high printed in one color. 2. Steve has fully authorized the use of his work for this project at no financial gain to him. So… Yeah to Steve! 3. Ken Yeager and the YCA are excited to be the beneficiary of this project so your funds are going to a cause we ALL care about. 4. The MEN’S shirt is 100% ORGANIC combed cotton jersey and is available in SM/M/LG/XL. There are three color choices (white/black/light blue) as shown below. 5. The WOMEN’S shirt is 100% ORGANIC combed cotton interlock (oooo… soft!) and is available in SM/M/LG/XL. There are three color choices (light blue/black/baby pink) as shown below. 6. Please note! The shirts are a “fitted cut” so if you like your shirts loose, order the next size up. If you have a killer bod and assets worthy of display then stick with your usual size. If you spend your days munchin’ on snacks and Macs then get on a different board! 7. The shirts are 100% ORGANIC COTTON and 100% MADE IN THE USA. Is organic cotton more expensive? Yes, a little, but do you care about violent and abusive child labor as practiced in the cotton fields of Uzbekistan where the vast majority of apparel cotton is produced? Okay, then that’s why I always use organic cotton. Oh, and it feels better, washes better, keeps pesticides out of the world’s drinking water and looks damn sexy! 8. Timeline… This is a fast-track project so you won’t be left wondering when you will get your shirt. I will take orders from today until March 31. All orders that are PAID FOR will be placed on April 2. The shirts will be delivered to you via Priority Mail before the end of April. 9. Costs… The cost of each shirt INCLUDES shipping. Repeat… the price of the shirt INCLUDES Priority Mail shipping and tracking. So, don’t start comparing the cost to a 50/50 polyester blend made in China POS shirt from Sears without shipping included. The 2009 Yosemite Climbing Association Benefit T-Shirt is $25 including shipping. Now, if you can group your orders and have them delivered to ONE ADDRESS then there is a cost savings as shown below: One or two shirts $25.00 including shipping Three, four or five shirts $24.00 including shipping Six or more shirts $23.00 including shipping 10. For each shirt the YCA will receive AT LEAST $5.00 This donation is based on a total order of 50-100 shirts. If the climbing community comes through with a huge order then the YCA will get even more, so… man up girls and boys! Order them for your wife, son, dog, lover, grandparents, Kwanza, Passover, to celebrate August 31, 2010, whatever! 11. Payment terms… I have decided to take a chance and only accept checks and money orders. Since PayPal/etc. will take almost 6% of the revenue it just doesn’t make sense to give them money when it should be going to the YCA. Every PAID order received will be immediately acknowledged with a personal e-mail. Any bounced checks will be immediately acknowledged with an e-mail also. If there is no resolution to this then I will post a nasty note on SuperTopo and the offender will have his bare knee forcibly jammed in Generator Crack while those pesky, smelly Yosemite ants will be poured over his body. Yeah, but can we trust some guy who hates plastic? I am a married father of five who has lived in the same house for a decade and I’m not going anywhere. You have my address so you can always come and drag ME to Generator! (Actually, no dragging will be needed.) 12. Okay, now you know more than enough to convince yourself that your closet needs dozens of these beauties. So, to order send a check for the proper amount to: The Vershke Group 17821 Tamara Lake Oswego Oregon 97035 e-mail: simon (at) vershke (dot) com Make sure to tell me: How many MEN’S shirts you want How many WOMEN’S shirts you want Specify the COLOR choices for each shirt Specify the SIZE choices for each shirt MAILING ADDRESS in the United States e-MAIL ADDRESS for confirmation 13. International orders… Do you live outside the United States? Don’t worry, we can figure something out! Contact me at the above e-mail and we’ll find the most economical solution. Any more questions? Post 'em or write me. Now get those checkbooks out! Fine print... I am going to be self-bumping this thread through March so we can maximize the funds for the YCA. Want to complain? Send an e-mail and request form: #(form number omitted for security purposes.) Shirt styles and colors
  14. and geez, at least give us something to look at
  15. Wow...this the ice climbing forum. And an organic t-shirt??? But how many plants were killed to make it? Please post in the right forum next time. Thanks.
  16. well it sounds like he was trying a homeopathic remedy by using small doses to combat the larger infection. so it was probably a transvestite.
  17. thats one of the girls from down at the office
  18. olyclimber


  19. olyclimber


    stop snarking on those cool people
  20. Harry, your flavor crystals are pathetic compared to the girls down at the office.
  21. olyclimber


    you know the girls down at the office remove the chrome from my trailer hitch way better than you ever have [video:youtube]x5idyptK15w
  22. olyclimber


    we need more post-ironic thoughts here
  23. olyclimber


    what a sad little pathetic thread
  24. I'm pretty sure Rat would also be all over scenting your gear for you too.
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