Dear Fellow Climber,
On behalf of the climbing community I would like to ask that you go to the White House website and request a letter of bannernation from President Obama to Kevbone. Please also send this message out to everyone you can think of. If enough of us ask, we might see the letter, which would be great.
Contacting the President is easy. Here is how:
Go to:
For subject, click "other."
Then write in the request.
As an example, here is what I wrote:
"Mr. President,
I write to ask that you offer a letter of bannernation to Kevbone, the redheaded stepchild of Kevbone continues to plague this unusually great website, and the end does not seem to be in sight. Kevbone is the leading jackass of his generation, and perhaps of all time. He is an inspiration to all those who should be sticking their head in an oven. It is fair to say that he is the Richard Nixon of rock climbing. Kevbone’s non-stop drivel and incredible ignorance exemplify what is wrong anything that is wrong. A note from you would mean a lot to us here on
Thank you for pitching in.
Concerned Citizen