had a mid-twenties dude come to by door and ask if I would like some free steaks
after today...as the stories goes....he had to make a "big delivery" in the
neighborhood, and had these "left over". It seemed very, very
suspicious...and as it turn out he returned with a big box with his
friend who I can only describe as "the Closer" (think Glenn garry,
Glenn ross). The two of them then showed me some excellent cuts of
frozen meats....all of which I could purchase. Suddenly my free meat
had just disappeared! All that was left was meat that I could buy.
I let them know I was not interested in paying for for the meat, but if they
wanted to leave some for free I would be happy, but no $ for them.
This angered "the closer". He basically politely insulted me and
walked off with the meat. Even those I had a few choice words with
his partner, this guy who had originally promised me the free beef
told me "he didn't like to see unhappy customers" or some such...and
offered me an even sweeter deal. I asked for a business card which he
did not have, and said if was "pacwest foods"...this place:
unfortunately, they actually don't have any free meat. but the interaction was pretty amusing for me.
happy solicitor day! or whatever moon holiday it is pagans.