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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. but to answer your question, yes, i did read the article. regards.
  2. the real question is did you? mt rainier is shrinking. DUH. get a brain moran. its gonna be gone soon.
  3. On the first day of my summer vacation, I went to the store, to get a job.
  4. you misspeelled a word up there. i'll let you know what it is when i get a moment.
  5. racialist
  6. did you buy some bunk acid?
  7. i'm sure! regardless, hope you can make it next year Ivan.
  8. [video:youtube]ty-1zWsXFNs
  9. Hey tim, if that is a big deal to you, i have a Black Diamond visor, black, and i never wear it. you can have it.
  10. Hey thanks! I already posted the few pics I took..I may have a few more. i think our group has always been responsible and left a clean camp. It was just clearing up misconceptions, however those might have arrived! Hope to see you there next year Tokogirl! If I can get someone to help me run things next year, I'd like to do that run through so I can get a little taste of Asguard next year!
  11. isn't that your girlfriend? can you tell her to stop PMing me? my passport isn't going to be here for a couple of weeks.
  12. I did get your email about meat for sale Dru. I just don't eat the BC beef...there are too environmental issues for me to trust the meat up there. [video:youtube]zQ00laVt62c
  13. i'm eating her as speak. with steaksauce.
  14. Thanks Tradhead! Either email me (porter (at) cascadeclimbers.com) or PM Steph with what you find out! If you can cut us a deal, I'm sure Steph will be interested!
  15. how many to justify it?
  16. everyone who wants one please indicate here. steph and i will set something up soon so you can preorder a poster (or as many as you want) thanks.
  17. and its a cleansing action or product
  18. i don't even know why they need the constitution. they have the bible after all.
  19. next year i'm going to climb way harder than this year
  20. http://www.kptv.com/news/21164584/detail.html [video:youtube]-UHOgkDbVqc
  21. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2009977050_rainiershrinking01m.html
  22. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/10/091001-oldest-human-skeleton-ardi-missing-link-chimps-ardipithecus-ramidus.html
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