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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. the wiki page already exists, and i have already acquired all movie rights to the story. prole, you are a jaded SOB, aren't you?
  2. olyclimber

    Reporting Bugs

  3. olyclimber

    Reporting Bugs

    jon, get out of here. i'm troubleshooting this issue, and i don't appreciate you butting in.
  4. olyclimber

    Reporting Bugs

  5. well if he was actually going to ride in that balloon box I bet he would have brought a spacesuit. and maybe some comics books to read, and a toy gun in case there were aliens.
  6. at least one. the one who found him.
  7. olyclimber

    Reporting Bugs

    is this avalanche canyon?
  8. olyclimber

    Reporting Bugs

    try it here to show me what you're talking about.
  9. that is the most awesome news i've had all day
  10. "Falcon's parents, science enthusiasts Richard and Mayumi Heene, were featured on the 100th episode of ABC's prime-time program "Wife Swap" in March, ABC said."
  11. You can see the drink menu here: http://files.shultzys.com/s-bar.html
  12. his name is falcon
  13. i wonder that the temp with wind chill is at that altitude. exposure has to be an issue
  14. beer will flow like the mighty amazon river
  15. it is more decriable to discuss such matters on the interweb
  16. prefunk starts at 5, slides start at 7 wil add to poster later
  17. jeez. with an ad like that, it might as well say "will trade climbing gear for meth" instead.
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