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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. damn. i hope people make it.
  2. How many of us could that have been? I'm certainly not an actor though, but I have always have been someone who could appreciate one. He sounds like someone I would like to have known.
  3. [video:youtube]NiLZ8eioFno
  4. are you touched that kev thought of you first?
  5. Ron Kauk be damned, please done forget our dear Lady Colchuck and the gold she guards. Sounds like you guys where better off in staying away from Snow Creek Wall today.
  6. and where does one purchase these equestrian pants? they seem a lot heartier than my Patagonia capris.
  7. What is that white stuff on Geoff's face? Would you recommend this climb as a cure for a hangover? Where are the pictures of Colchuck Lake?
  8. or it might have been from.
  9. [video:youtube]4G9NZvebscw whenever i hear this song i think of driving to index with jeff and pax
  10. olyclimber

    Pig Roast

    If I don't get an invitation then people will be banned.
  11. olyclimber


    i'm glad that obama won the peace prize if for only the reason we are now having this debate: Is peaceful human existence possible? Or do we live in a constant state of skull fucking each other? Unfortunately there is a lot of history written for the latter. What does seem lame is to just give up the idea that peace is obtainable.
  12. olyclimber


    i remember living in a cave, and fearing those bastards with their clubs who might come take my fire. hopefully the children of today can learn these lessons.
  13. olyclimber


    we're just animals.
  14. olyclimber


    well of course. maybe we can build more nuclear bombs, even more powerful ones than the ones we have today. then we'll win the war for sure. [video:youtube]wxrWz9XVvls i agree with you. we'll never stop our caveman ways.
  15. no update to what has already been said here, but a media report that he is missing: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2010039662_webhiker10m.html
  16. [video:youtube]Fc-7FXzbeA0
  17. [video:youtube]_8pyBZevUFQ
  18. [video:vimeo]748135
  19. can music save your mortal soul?
  20. perv alert!
  21. olyclimber

    Pig Roast

    I recommend fully cooking the beast. This may take some time. Add lots of pineapple.
  22. any teaser product/price listing you could do at all?
  23. olyclimber


    with a facist/socialist/nobel peace prize winnning administration like Obamas we all have to share in the cupping
  24. she apparently brings her own chockstones
  25. some times, like when I'm running to the store for milk, i stop and realize that every stitch i'm wearing was made by them. its the 2010 line too.
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