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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber


    That's interesting
  2. yes, you are sponsored by Bill W
  3. Its actually an interesting discussion, Boner. Just because you see the world through spray colored glasses doesn't mean everyone else is as deluded as you are.
  4. but what if your sponsorship only paid you to travel around the world and climb year round? that would suck! i'm imagining that sponsored climbers are making WAY more than that, because its not like another sucker is waiting in the wings. they probaby have great medical and dental coverage though.
  5. just wait till Nike comes to its senses and realizes how hugely profitable this whole climbing business is. then Colin will be hanging around with A-Rod and Tiger, palling it up on million dollar yachts.
  6. you'll find posts of mine from before the election that said that the winner of this election would be the loser. I AM A PROPHET! that said, at least i don't feel like we gave a teenager the keys to cadillac like some of you do. it seems like the country was going to hell in a handbasket before he stepped into office, and the handout to corporations was already under way. i did see a Foxnews clip attributing a recent financial rebound to bailouts that Bush approved. it was pretty humorous! but it seems, to PeterPuget, that hell still has our handbasket, and will deliver it in 2010.
  7. olyclimber


  8. don't hate the player, hate the game
  9. my grandma will be disappointed to hear this Blake but then she doesn't usually keep up with Hot Flashes. different strokes, different folks.
  10. if your pet is a pig you can always convert them into bacon if they piss you off.
  11. i smell bile!
  12. olyclimber


    [video:youtube]yRktYcgbens GOOD MORNING!
  13. Steve Swenson and Joe Puryear will be showing slides, along with others (maybe you?)
  14. i'm pretty sure the parents had other options other than those three choices. but as to why Americans would be culturely predisposed to making those choices, well that perhaps is the problem. its probably Hollywoods fault. Specifically Disney. [video:youtube]KRIrDdayXHc
  15. I hope to be able to announce something tomorrow about this, but details are still getting ironed out!
  16. who is that on you dru?
  17. [video:youtube]1lwuFEz_ydo
  18. [video:youtube]JqlY0VOFtyA
  19. [video:youtube]JqlY0VOFtyA
  20. my bet is that they are both great boots, and will just come down to which fits your foot better. no experience with Kaylands, but they seem to be a quality boot based on every available indication.
  21. olyclimber


    what is your costume? i'll be the father of death.
  22. my cat wouldn't take a collar. we kept putting them on her, but she would lose them after a day, so we stopped trying. she was an outside cat, and one day she came up missing. turns out the neighbors had found her and taken in as a stray. first thing they did was have her fixed. the problem was i had already done that about 14 years ago. but the vet didn't seem to mind taking the money anyway, so she got fixed again. she came back limping after a week or so, and then we finally found out what happened about a month later. this was about a year ago. she died a couple weeks ago, buried her in a corner of the yard. 16 years old i believe, so it wasn't premature.
  23. [video:youtube]5k1DdsbYnOk
  24. do post counts even matter anymore? except to dru of course.
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