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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. olyclimber

    thanks W

    remember "george" magazine? too bad that died.
  2. they are over rated anyway.
  3. olyclimber

    thanks W

    i would have missed this till the next time to the next supermarket checkout line. thanks.
  4. yes. we will give you a dollar, as long as the pictures are sharp and the English in the TR (yes, English, not any other language) must be as per the MLA formatting and style guide.
  5. where are you located?
  6. no. but lets hear about your Beacon attempts!
  7. but i do thank you for the "tasteful" photos of your wife. don't worry, they are secured on my harddrive with AES 256.
  8. now that is the funniest thing i've heard all day.
  9. also print some t-shirts
  10. you're clearly not cut out to be a sponsored climber Kev. everyone knows that they are all lying cheats. you need to work on your lying skills.
  11. no you dumbass you need to spray about it first. THEN and ONLY THEN can pink sponsor you. but you'll need to lie about your achievements first.
  12. Irony is not just a river in Egypt.
  13. you misunderestimate the power of stoke.
  14. you may have to cheat on your climbing resume though.
  15. Check with Dirt Devil. They may be interested in sponsoring.
  16. don't we all. i could totally rock high school the second time around.
  17. your opinion is not valid. please try again.
  18. olyclimber

    thanks W

    there is an angry dictator who is interfering with the open market. but the loot isn't as good as iraq.
  19. olyclimber

    thanks W

    there isn't enough fossil fuel to justify it
  20. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2010096822_horsesex20m.html
  21. nice. i did the boulder lakes to appleton pass traverse back when i was just out of highschool. the pictures definitely brought back memories. cool area.
  22. nice! did you happen to take any pictures? i would love to perv out on them.
  23. olyclimber

    thanks W

    well, in a capitalist driven system, more consumer spending is pretty key.
  24. imagine how fast that thing could spray.
  25. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/6385592/Man-proves-he-has-worlds-strongest-fingers.html
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