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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. Lol yes. Didn't mean to be a downer on a good cause, I'm going to throw down myself.
  2. It does look like a great film. I just find it irritating that even though we give people a whole forum to promote their blogs on, they spam cc.com with "check out my blog!" when a simple link to the actual content would suffice. Don't get me wrong, Dane has really contributed a lot to this community. It's just that a link to a blog entry that was just a link set me off. Think about what you're posting here people, and if you want to promote your blog, do it in the appropriate forum.
  3. You can just post that in the thread topic. Thanks.
  4. Just give us direct link! We don't need a link to link.
  5. Time warp! Boulder boy wonder!
  6. Except for the Count of Crisco, thanks for the gear you guys. I finally got of my ass and started to learn how to ski. My first time on skis last Friday, and second time this past Friday (up at Summit central). I'm actually learning, and graduated from the bunny slopes to the mediocre ones! Real turns were so much easier than pushing the snow plow down the hill. Anyway, thanks again for the ski setup and merry Xmas to all of you. This board has helped me through a couple hard times now.
  7. be sweet to wipe out and have that thing makes tracks up your ass
  8. maybe the size changed since he stated it in the original post?
  9. Hi Eric...the URL to the picture needs to end with .jpg or some other picture format. I FIFY
  10. [video:youtube]YFOpifdJXcs
  11. Imma bring mah crew and check ur neu crag!
  12. .....looks like Oakley Press has made a facsimile in 2008...most likely available at Walmart or some similar outlet....words and pictures should be functionally equivalent to the original dated text....
  13. [video:youtube]BoM6IFiyRjE http://www.king5.com/news/local/Wolverines-Make-Tracks-In-Washington-State-111968249.html
  14. btw, isn't the main dude in that video our very own rat!????
  15. [video:youtube]azEvfD4C6ow
  16. well some people have to take Viagra too. its probably an anti-gay marriage homosexual republican thing.
  17. How far should we take this? I could ban you just like the real CJB.
  18. with the cost of tuition it really isn't a good idea to jump into to college without a good idea of what you hope to do with your education. I went straight into college and changed majors 5 times, but this was before major tuition hikes. And now I work in a field unrelated directly to anything I studied. I definitely recommend going to college, but at todays rates I would definitely recommend having a good idea of what you hope to achieve. of course, if mom and dad are paying for college, then by all means go for as long as you can. get a PHD. get 5 bachelors degrees. I think you can do both college and grand travels...you just have to work hard to make it happen.
  19. you ass clowns. don't make me cry!
  20. If the shoe fits, wear it.
  21. olyclimber

    Just a reminder

  22. just skimmed what you wrote as i have to take off, but it sounds like we are, in part, agreeing. however, maybe i just misread what you wrote. the two are apples and oranges. getting back to my original joke: get rid of medical insurance all together! if you don't have the money for a liver transplant you should probably die. there are slight ethical problems with this, thats why I call it a joke. Is it a joke to you?
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