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Everything posted by ken4ord

  1. Alright I am bumping this up. Looks like I will be back in Seattle in October. So if any of you still want to get rid of some junk shoes. Again they are going to a school over here in Rwanda, so that kids that can't afford shoes can have some to use. Almost anything is better than tennis shoes. Thanks, Ken
  2. Oh sure send him pictures of climbing down in SA, but you don't send me any! It is not like I have a cabbage for head!?!? Jeezs
  3. ken4ord

    cleaning cams

    Finishline Dry lube can be found in bike shops works well too. Make sure to wipe off any excess lube once it is applied.
  4. What? Dude it is hot and dry here for the most part. Anyways I need it to last 2 more years, then I will burn it.
  5. Yeah I know at some point I need to set something up like that. I found this out when I was back at Index getting my ass handed to me.
  6. Shit...who needs that West Seattle crag when I got the best crag in the whole of Rwanda right in my backyard, little beeyotch. This ain't fake Renton granite bullshite, it's the real deal.
  7. .........I'd be dead and that would suck.
  8. Yes all things must pass....I make it a point to pass as many cars as possible on my way to my weekend house on the lake. Especially when there is not a single radar gun in this country.
  9. ken4ord

    Chillout Music

    Dawg you gotta get out of Joe's garage sometime and listen to music. Hell most of the bands that Fairweather listed you can buy in almost any CD store. Arch thanks for suggestion, after a couple of days I was able to locate the songlist. I am not sure if you could buy a that CD anywhere since there was only 1000 standard copies made and additional 300 collectors copies.
  10. Hell if I owned any of those cams I would have thrown them out long time ago. I don't care how much testing they do on them I will never really feel comfortable using them after all the recalls and cables pulling out.
  11. ken4ord

    Chillout Music

    Are there any music geeks out there? Anyways what I am looking for is the songlist for Ninerain - Choice (It is a compliation of there only two in studio recordings). If any one can help it will be greatly appreciated......And yes it is chillout music very cool jazz from Mexico, by I think mainly Belge players.
  12. Well my favorite modern day composer has to be Micheal Nyman, maybe it is because when I hear the music it reminds me of some of my favorite films by Peter Grenaway. I will have to check out some of the list that Will had put up. I had the same reaction as Don when I saw it.
  13. Great idea, I have a friend that is working on a mobile Volunteer Testing and Counseling center here in Rwanda. $5000 seems really checp compared to the budget she has.
  14. ken4ord

    Chillout Music

    Alright JayB if you like those suggestion and there is only one CD that you will buy for the next year, you need to buy 13 & God. I am not one to listen to a CD over and over day after day, but this one I can not stop listening to. There are influences of classical, jazz, hip-hop, electronica, alt rock and spoken word all wound together for one CD that really needs to be several hour longer. I just went on a shopping spree when I was back so here is a couple of other suggestions. *Peeping Tom (Mike Patton and others, not too chill but very cool) *Dan the Automator-Wanna buy a monkey *Gnarls Barkley-St. Elsewhere (Danger Mouse and Cee-Lo)
  15. Well if I didn't see you this time around, hopefully it will be next. I think I will be back out in October. Thanks for getting me out on the rock Afox Oclimber and ADave, it was great. AK get better soon. And rest of you next time.
  16. She is here! August 15th at 6:09pm Simone Zuri Ford was born unto this world. As a result her father has regressed to one hended typing. Pictures will follow.......Mr. Fox let's climb on Sunday.
  17. Blaaaah!!! Yeah it purty and everything out, but god damn I want to get into the mountains before I have to head back. As the little kid refuses to come out and join this world I am stuck at home. Could be worse I guess.
  18. Yeah I know what you meanwhy eat brie, rouqufort, gruyere, and goat cheese when there is american cheese everywhere. I like american cheese.
  19. Hey Dammit! I am the real Ken4ord!
  20. better one of those than the apes on you and your girlfriends' privates
  21. I'm drinking at home so all is well...do you know what sex you are?
  22. I'm Ken4ford dammit, and I really pissed at all of you! You're all spending too much time on the internet, and not enough time drinking fine Belgian beer. However, if you choose to do both, be aware of strangers!
  23. A crab? That's lame. Maybe a cAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRp!!!!, but a crab? Shit dude your drunk again. Take two advil and go to sleep, then meet us at Index.
  24. That poor rabbit! Sick man.
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