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Everything posted by ken4ord
Ed Zachery! That is what I am talking about.
While were on the subject of elbows, here is one for you all. So I set up my bouldering wall awhile ago. I started easy on it only limiting myself to 2 times a week any hold, but mainly big holds. I still limit myself to max 3 times a week, maximum 3 hours per session, but setting problems some that can be done some that can't. Lately I have been developing a strange pain in my elbow. It doesn't hurt moving it or pulling on the wall, but on the forearm side of my elbow on my right arm (I'm left handed) there is a figerprint size area that is super sensative to touch after bouldering sessions. Right now it doesn't hurt if I touch after 4 days off, usually it is just the evening and the day after a session. Anybody got any ideas?
Penny pindude retro-grouch, fuck it cost nothing really to buy a device that works better than an 8 for belaying and rapping. Talk about being cheap mofo who can't accept there are inprovement to belaying and rapping. I think the biggest problem with a figure 8 is they are a bulky heavy POS.
Yes Tradguy I aggree, but over the course of this last I have ordered over $20,000 worth of supplies and we were going to buy some instrumentation from them. Also the $8000 was just ot get started for first few month of a 2 year study. Anyways my point is in the States there is a thing called customer service most of the time, but here........ha
The thread is not titled THE GREATEST ROCK GUITARIST THAT INFLUENCED ME, AND THAT I LIKE. It the greatest ROCK guitarist. It’s not about whether you like him/her or not. Just did they influence more other guitarist? Did the style of the times change after him/her hit the airwaves? How many others band/guitarists tried to imitate him/her? I believe these are some of the questions you/we need to ask to answer the original post. And yes, this thread has run its course Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie!!!! Obviously you need to read the rest of what I said in the rest of my post: You should lay off the crack if you think Eddie was the most influencial guitarist. Please, yeah when it come to rock maybe Eddie, but he didn't influence any music outside of the rock scene. Still think Hendrix influnced many more people. Hell I don't even listen to Hendrix.
Doods that helps a ton. Great now it is time to order. I think I might go with some of the SoIll, I do like there polished surface holds. I will have to take a look at their big slopers to I guess. Thanks. I feel a junkie, as soon I get some news holds and have them on the wall done a few routes with them I am ready for more. I can't wait to live closer to some rock sometime in my life.
You gotta love living in the developing world. It is bad enough I can't walk down to the corner espresso stand and get a decent americano or be able puchase things work or be able to find a half assed electrician. These things aren't so bad considering where I am at, I mean you take what you can get, right? Then sometimes I work outside of the norm here and deal with suppliers and manufactures that are from the developed country, well at least I thought South Africa was pretty developed. I mean they do have headquarter for all large medical and test kit supplier. Well today I found out how good customer service can be in South Africa. The fuckers, told that I would be able to arrange a training within a weeks time when I was ready, hell I thought that was great. Well after spending over two weeks trying schedule the training they come back to me and say, oh sorry, but were busy until the end of January. This was I had order $8000 worth of supplies. WTF, we are talking Roche Diagnostics one of largest players in the medical diagnositic field. Anyways I needed to spray before I call them up and start yelling.
I am not sure if you did anything, but logging in is working now. Thanks
So I do think this thread is sort of stupid. How can you pick out the most influential guitarist for all types of music. Yeah for music I like, I would agree, Robert Fripp, Brian Eno, Sonny Sharock and Buckethead. Overall, I would have to agree with Hendrix vote. He took rock and pushed it. He approached the guitar as a completely new instrument and played it the "wrong" way. Ok granted other people were doing similar things, but he had a much larger aduience. He definitely changed rock and probably has more influence over any other guitarist. I think if you were to poll guitarist this question, Hendrix would be on top.
Yeah G-spot the rainbows too. Timmay and cccommie development team great job on the new and improved PM. I like the forum format a lot. I was always going back to see what I wrote, now I don't have too. :tup:
Yeah this......"Or be able to imbed thumb, med, large", but don't take it as a complaint over all I think you guys are doing a great job espically since you have " baa baa baa baa baa baa ".
That is funny considering all of the hardware up on the faces.
I was figuring it was South Korea, I contiplating moving there when I was right out of college. I remember coming across several Korean climbing website that definitely got me siked on moving there. Then the gf at the time decide it was more exciting to get into real estate. These peaks here seem a little taller than 800-900m, so I am guessing it might be a different area in South Korea.
Thanks Mark, yeah it sort of a bummer that the technical climbs are closed, from what I have seen from recent picture that they would be fine. Because of the park regulations the difficulty is that there are no local guides that could handle them. I am going for scenic since I am going with a friend which will be his first experience in Africa.
So I got a chance in January to break free and walk up Kilimanjaro. Just seeing what route you would choose to do and why? Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks Oh yeah if any of you fools want to get out here for a trip, later 2007 sometime during the summer or in the fall I think I will organize a trip into the Rwenzori's. It take 7 days for the trek and I would like to spend an extra week at high camp doing climbs. So two weeks of climbing. Then I can point you in any direction you want to go like game parks or home.
So this weekend my mom sent me one of those internut email things. Anyway forget about the crazy looking via feratta, what really caught my eye is the stellar looking rock and "real" climbing potential. Anyone know where this is? What's up with all the lock on the chains? I don't get it?
First off after 4 weeks of not being able to log on, I was able to today. Damn I was going through DT's and all. I like some of the changes that I see like being able to post videos. The picture upload seem easier, though being able to control the size would be cool. [font:Impact]Hmm font changes, might be cool, but might be hard to read peoples posts. [/font] Here we go something for YOU SHOUTERS OUT THERE. I like the times listed for the posts, that is sort of cool, it is easier to see than before. As someone mentioned it is harder to see which post you have read and which you haven't.
Dru, one of your better ideas. "Hey, Rob, how's your head? How about a nice cold, greasy porkchop? You can almost smell that rancid odor now. Sounds good doesn't it?" Rob, "Aaaarrrrgggghhhh", as he runs to pray to the great porcelain god. CBS obviously you do not know what you are talking about here so STFU. Fried eggs, hash browns extra greasy, toast with extra butter and bacon, this all injested around noon, after the bong hit and shower. After breakfast lots of water and bed or a easy bike ride depending on how bad the situation is.
Umm, PJ Harvey's version is way better than Bobby D's.
I agree and disagree with you both. First yes there is a distinction between guides and instructors, though it is fine sometimes, they are not the same. What I was thinking was more along the lines of guide being hired as instructor. This a role has been in practice, proabably as long as guiding has been around. Forget all of the other reasons why one person would hire a guide just for the sake of discussion. My point is that I still don't think what was outlined for experience would be sufficient for most guiding services let alone any other organization that offers climbing instuction (say like Outward Bound or Nols). Also with the Mountaineers, the line is crossed from instructor to guide when it comes time to do some real climbing. Is the new climber to expect to be completely self reliant or do they expect that the lessons will continue? Are they epected to be a partner to the instructor they're first time on the rock, let alone the next several outings? I know for myself that I didn't know crap the first couple of times out on the rock, even though I had studied and practice with my friends. My friends that were teaching me to climb, were essentially guiding me, even when it came time for me to go on the pointy end, they still helped me get safely to the top.
Blades and LA are what I have used most often in the past. Ocasionally baby angles. Almost any place you can get a full size angle in you will most like be able to find gear placements nearby, so I never carry them with me.
In medical school they have a saying about the teaching/learning of various procedures: "watch one - do one - teach one" There is nothing better than teaching to make your own skills stronger. They are teaching basic skills after all, not hardcore advanced alpinism. Perhaps Maestro has a better idea. The instructors should be required to observe one Basic Climbing Course before teaching it. Gary, The common opinion on this thread is that the Mountaineers have unqualified instructors teaching students in the basic course. Its not the students responisbility to distinguish between qualified and unqualified instructors amongst an organization. Its the organization's responsibility. If you want to do something about it, there needs to be more requirements to teach the Basic Climbing Course than just having attended the Basic Climbing Course. If a year is too long, than don't use a year. Jesus, man, you asked for suggestions and I gave them. Here's a more concrete example: To teach the Basic Climbing Course, you need to have: 1. Passed the Basic Climbing Course no sooner than 6 months ago 2. 20 days climbing since the Basic Course - this averages to less than two weekends a month, and documentation will use an honor system for validity - believe us, it will be apparent who has padded their books! 3. Climbed at least three II routes or longer since the Basic Course 4. Lead at least 3 trad climbs of at least 5.6 since the Basic Course 5. At least two days of glacier travel since the Basic Course. Now, I don't know what someone who has finished the Basic Course is actually expected to be able to do. Just consider requiring SOMETHING like this... And watch what words you use - you don't FORBID someone, you simply have PREREQUISITES. You have some good ideas. To me this seem this would be an extreme minimum of what should be required. The way I look at it, an instructor is taking on the role of a guide. I don't know of any guiding organization that would accept the above as prerequisite for guiding. When I was learning to climb I didn't learn from a guide or an orgainzation. I learned through friends, but it was with friends that had a lot of experience. I wasn't to keen on going climbing with other beginners. What I am getting at, is that it not only the organization that is responsible for having quality trainers, but also those who are taking the course to make sure that they are getting quality training.
Damn I miss ice climbing!!!
Damn I always thought that Renton was strickly granite. Well I'll have to check this area out next time I am in the area.
For sake martini, one will hopefully use wine, wice wine that is.