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Everything posted by kurthicks

  1. chris, i'll have conditions for ya tomorrow. i've got a bunch of friends who went to Wing Ridge this weekend. That's pretty close to Aneroid.
  2. i think that i saw you guys on Sky Ridge on Saturday too, sometime around noon-2? my girlfriend and I spent Saturday over by bunny face and sunday at Cinnamon Slab for some nice relaxed climbing. too bad we all missed each other. awesome weather yesterday though, it's raining like a son of a bitch right now.
  3. that's not what i meant. really. i meant any climbers and non-climber. I'm taken anyways.
  4. heck yea, bring all yo friends.
  5. let the bidding war begin. what small gear are you looking for?
  6. lets do it then. sunday at the parking area, say 9am. feel free move that time around if you want. come on Timmay!
  7. okay, my plans changed from ice to rock. which means, i'll be at Smiff this weekend too. i say we all descend upon the Deschutes Brewery on, say, Saturday night? edit: Timmy and jlag should come out and join us... i'll post an events Pub Club, it could be redmond too. anybody interested?
  8. i just saw this for all you mixed climbin' hardmen Northern Mountain Supply has Fusions on sale for $175 each. http://northernmountain.com/NMSMain.asp?Option=Detail&ID=BLADIA+Fusion+Ice+Axe&Dept=CL&Cat=CL5&SubCat=CL51
  9. if i remember correctly, there was a little one (1-2') above the NE Couloir. I know there was one at Colchuck Col on the west side (right as you're ascending) of the big boulder, it wasn't too big either. i'd suggest waiting until the snow settles a bit though, it was a lot of wallowing... edit: look at this pic http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/showphoto.php?photo=3448&size=big&password=&sort=1&cat=504 i can see a slight shadow above the couloir, but that doesn't necessarily mean a lot.
  10. you should have seen the ski out i fell so many times and bent one of my trekking poles. gotta love skiing in leathers.
  11. me too. 280 calories. mmm. just go buy them in bulk. During the summer they can get a little soft and melty, but it's still way cheaper than goo or anything else for that matter. they do freeze pretty solid during the winter though.
  12. Climb: Colchuck Peak-North Buttress Couloir Date of Climb: 2/8/2004 Trip Report: Climbed the North Buttress Couloir yesterday. After checking the weather and avy forecasts, i skied into the lake and broke trail for cc.comers Ade and Al? on Saturday. Slept for 15 hours. started up at 6:40 under a nice full moon. the wind was howling a little in the morning, but around 8 it stopped until i topped out. the couloir has some firm snow and some knee deep pow that is highly variable from one step to the next. anyways, the view from the top of the couloir was awesome. i traversed out onto the NW face as some clouds engulfed me, helping to ease the exposure a bit. the NW face has some really deep pow(waist) and some spots where it's 4" over slopy granite. the most exciting part was when i topped out on the NW face and had to climb 50+ degree powder above the east face and finish with a mantle onto the summit plateau. nothing like a 5.nothing mantle with 2000' of exposure and no belay. the descent is really straightforward down to the Col, but the SW slopes felt different than the northern ones (windloaded?) A fun route. Gear Notes: 2 tools helmet crampons pickets would be useless a partner would be nice Approach Notes: there's a well beaten path all the way into the lake now, but flotation is probably still useful.
  13. hubba hubba had a huge glide crack in it today that was visible from the road. both climbs to the right looked better. the ice up Mountaineer creek looks alright. it was pretty warm in 11worth today, everything was melting.
  14. i'm out of here for da hillz. spray away while you sit inside...
  15. well, i'm heading out. i'll be in the blue Suby at the TH late tonight. probably leaving 7:30-8ish a.m. to head to the lake. 208-301-4181 kurt
  16. anybody want to join me in a simul-solo this weekend of the NBC of Colchuck? i'm also game for anything of a similar nature, but this one is calling me. PM or post.
  17. just make sure that your first one is when you're cuddling after or . let 'er rip right on her and say "guess what"...
  18. subway or burgers and wirlwind, you forgot (to eat) your
  19. saber, i was kind of referring to myself. i can pick it up today and... i'm on my way to the library soon actually. just let me know if you want to go that route if you can't find the actual book
  20. they've got it in special collections over at the University of Idaho...and one you can check out if you're a student. Location: UI Library Main Stacks Call Number: GV199.42.I22S263 1987 Number of Items: 1 Status: Not Checked Out if you're nice, i bet you could convince someone to get the thing and copy it for ya... do you know how many pages it is (for copying costs)?
  21. kurthicks

    chili in a bowl

    this is true, but if you were a poor college kid trying to afford his next weekend trip...what would you do? climbing more ice is more important to me than drinking good . the recipe sounds like it's worth a try.
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