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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. As part of my 10,000 mile tune-up, the guy at Schucks asked me a new question: "Do you want the air conditioning filter too?" Foolishly, I said yes, and I should have changed my mind when he said it needed to be ordered. With a promise that he would tell me where the filter was located, I added the $18 to the tune-up kit. I picked it up today, and of course the "guy" wasn't there. Looking through the owners manual, under 'filter, A/C', all it said was "filter should be replaced every 30,000 miles, see dealer for service." What? I had just paid twenty bucks for a paper filter, and there was NO WAY I was going to pay another $80 to get it installed! Checking under 'air conditioning', it said the filter was located "under the base of the windshield". Aonther 1/2 hour of searching under the hood and under the dash reveiled not a clue, and the firewall under the hood was definitely out. Opening the glove compartment, I saw a duct system behind it. I removed the glove after a little head-scratching, found the filter cover, and found a brace sitting squarely across the 8" x10" filter access panel. The brace was secured well behind the dash well past the center dash console, and anchored behind the dash corner by the passengers door. Shit. To remove the dash required a loosening of 2/3 of the affair, and a wiggling of interconnected pieces. By this time I had removed 16 screw, several bolts, and 4 plastic clips, and was just getting to the blocking brace: Finally, by pulling the middle dash delicately to one side I was able to remove the 6 bolts on the brace, and get full access to the filter assembly: A run of wires were unclipped and pulled aside to finally pull the filter, and: My car has 136,000 miles on it, and it probably had been never changed. For $100 or so, given the parts and labor, little wonder! I wondered how much crap I kicked up, every time I cranked the heat up, as I installed the new filter: Another 45 minutes later, I had the whole affair back together, and zero left over parts: Approach: 10 minutes to Schucks, 40 seconds to parking lot Rating: A 3-hour endeavor, hard moderate-mechanic. Gear: Socket set with swivel and extension, screw gun with extension, 2 Red Hook IPA's and patience.
  2. Whew! Thank Goodness! That was a close one!
  3. Rugby Players Eat Their Own
  5. Das Toof! season has arrived! Hard to find beta on it though...
  6. Blake, Ken and Distel all have some great stuff from their trips. California (and everywhere else!) forum Check it out, if you haven't!
  7. Chamomile is for pussies, I can't believe you even know it's "soothing" Get a pair.
  8. Whatever, my Alpine Barbie is so much cooler. She lives for pack rashes, has an over-lengthed chest strap, packs 80 pounds with glee, is a sure-footed scree-master, who can lead 5.10 as long as it doesn't damage my ego. Her contortionist dexterity assures even the hardest of offwidths. Hanging belays are a joy to behold as a follower, and a glance downward on lead is a thing of beauty. A natural early riser, Alpine Barbie can drink with even the stoutest of yeomen, and is happiest in a tent with a single bag between us on a thin pad.
  9. The new, friendlier ChucK with his more socially available avatar pic!
  10. Do i get a "fence" t-shirt with the room? Is a propensity for suffering required?
  11. EWolfe


    Ya sure don't ask for much, do ya?
  12. Look, Kurt. I didn't start this on A PUBLIC FORUM, so I feel I have a right to defend myself (since he won't respond to PM's). Good reminder not to help friends, especially climber friends, get jobs where you work. It can come back and bite you in the ass.
  13. I said that to you, not any owners. Maybe you're blaming the wrong person, hmmm?
  14. Crap. I should have gotten that - I met him last year.
  15. STFU, You took your own opportunity away.
  16. shit! I lead a climb with that thing!!!
  17. EWolfe

    Mt Erie Guidebook

    Brown Lantern. Did you forget Anacortes is my other home town?
  18. Young Ron Kauk on the left
  19. EWolfe

    Mt Erie Guidebook

    my new "friend" lives down there, so I will be making trips more often...thanks for the info! His testimony on the inside of the back cover is **ahem** interesting, I was wondering what it took to get this excited about Erie, and now I know.
  20. EWolfe

    Mt Erie Guidebook

    Just got a copy as a gift. Not to dis Dallas, but I was having a heck of a time finding my way through the beginning portion. I got frustrated, and finally tore out pages 1 - 8, 11 - 32, and now it is a lot easier to find stuff. It is a guidebook to climbing now. I really didn't need 30 pages of history, flora, fauna, lodgings, etc for such a small crag. Now I just need to figure out the trails....
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