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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Any climber worth his salt will REQUIRE you to submit your climbing resume for perusal before climbing with you. Unless you're bouldering...
  2. EWolfe

    And so....

    "Help! I'm bein' repressed!"
  3. Based on history. I got mine here for $200. OK, it WAS used. Try $250?
  4. It's not that bad, really. Just sort of limited. The sport climbs under Sunshine Wall make a fine diversion...for a while.
  5. A spraying and drinking site with a climbing problem
  6. They were just wonderin': [font:Comic Sans MS]"How come you don't hang out wit your friends no more?" [/font]
  7. EWolfe


    That's what ya get when ya date girls half your age - Young girls just got a whole different way of doing things these days. Consensual blood-letting is so hot right now, though. Leeches - who needs 'em.
  8. Maybe if we just ignore the environment, it will go away
  9. EWolfe

    Hey Bitches!

    How about some time-released spray from your home computer? Give us somethin' here.
  10. Leave the poor girl alone, you Bullies. She's just trying to consolidate areas for ease of reference.
  11. Good to see ya back, E-Rock. N00bvek is just trolling.
  12. EWolfe


    Just saw "The Illusionist". Now THAT was cool. Ed Norton was excellent, I thought. Neat, if predictable ending.
  13. I guess your bid on Gretel fell through then?
  14. I always stay with the stewbums at the abandoned Sleep-Inn next to the Golden Spike Casino, "off" the strip. That way you are only a block away from your next bottle of night train or the wonderful smoke-choked quarter slot room of the "Spike". This last time (last weekend) I had the flu the whole time, so it was even more special than usual.
  15. Very nice work! Sure don't see Glacier around much anymore...
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