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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Malcolm Daly sponsoring Fred? Makes sense.
  2. That one always makes me laugh, sick as it is. That someone took the time to make the sign, find a stake and plant it rather than just move the damn dead cat.
  3. Lower crux of Rufus: Pulling the ruf: Mod Squad Wall: Tuna in the cave:
  5. Amazing sport climbing unlike anything else in Washington, roofs, techy, steep, powerful: Gneiss at it's best. 20 minute hike from Hwy 2, 1 mile West of the Rest Area on East side of the pass. An access trail has been blazed in the last couple of years that eliminates the private property issue. I owned land within 1/2 mile of the area for 3 years and did a fair bit of developing. The reticent locals thought I put my bolts "too far" apart, I found out later via an e-mail threat to add 20 bolts to my routes. Sortly thereafter, the communal "list" we had all been adding to disappeared. There are at my last check (over 2 years ago, BTW), over 40 routes from 5.10 to 5.12, and tons more to develop. My pride and joy is "Rufus" an .11c I put up with Glacier and Alpinfox over a period that pulls a 5-foot horizontal roof with multiple .11 cruxes. Also, Gunstone, in memory of a good friend .11b, Airborne Ranger, .11b, and the "Mod Squad Wall", which Alpinfox and I developed one wonderful spring, sporting some "moderates" Thanks to Alpinfox, Glacier, Skyclimb, Distel and Wirlwind for your time, help and excitement during this fun development! Go get sum. Erik ps you can hassle all these people plus trogdor the burninator for the exact location
  6. EWolfe

    I_like_To rant

    I love that part...tell me the story again, it's close to bedtime sickie sickie
  7. The reactive, narrow personas behind the avatars will never resist the temptation to spew their singularity of thought. Isn't it awesome?
  8. EWolfe

    I_like_To rant

    I hate people that are Haters.
  9. :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd: :nurd:
  10. EWolfe


    Well Put, E-Rock. I would just add that it also the process of the meal that is just as satisfying. Rather than sitting down with a plate of food and gouging out, sushi is presented to be enjoyed in a slow, appreciative manner, something largely lacking in our fast-food culture. This leaves you feeling energized not just because the food is good and good for you, but because you further energize the food with intent and appreciation. Also, eating small quantities at a time helps your digestive process work more efficiently. The popularity? Maybe as a compensatory measure. my $.02, Erik
  11. killer attacking me in my sleep
  12. Otto: "What happened to your old lady?" Bud: "My old lady? Oh, shit, I forgot all about her. Well, she'll take the bus. She's a rock." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. EWolfe


    90 lbs of fresh seafood, 50 climbers, 4 days
  14. greasy escape faster
  15. Sorry to change teh subject again, but have any of you looserz lost any wate yet?
  16. EWolfe

    Baby Hedgehog

    I was thinking more along the line of "have your barbs ready at the outset" kind of thing. But Yeah, it's all good.
  17. True that. I once posted that the quarrying of Index to make the steps to the House of Policy was creating a climb of lesser physical challenge, but a climb nonetheless.
  18. I don't get it. You men give me headaches.
  19. What is it called if you use the whole henhouse, roosters and all?
  20. It's all about the protein.
  21. double entendre intended, BTW
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