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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Ewww! I don't like spam!
  2. I like how the rope matches her vest
  3. I believe it is May 8-9th. Who's gonna go? I'll be there fo shizzle!
  4. Large soda bottles wrapped with duct tape and fitted with webbing. They are cheap, durable, and collapse easily.
  5. I agree with Dru, slacklining is the way to work on balance. Yoga or martial arts is excellent also.
  6. I left it at the UW wall about 4 years ago
  7. Thule Evolution 1800 Roof box: silver, opens both sides, 1 year old, $450 new, will sell for $300 Metolius XXL crash pad, green/black, almost new, retails $225, selling for $150 Wren Industries Soloist, Never used, $75 PM me if interested, buyer pays shipping. Erik
  8. I wanna tangle with the woman jja posted in THAT BARN!!!
  9. EWolfe


    And we'll be there. Smokin' tough, Beeeyotch!
  10. Um, Klenke? I think it's meds time
  11. Cool. Missed you by a year. Man, those were some free times for me. Just lovin' ridin'
  12. Dave I was also, for two years. Worked for ENA '95-96. What about you?
  13. Brilliant! LMFAO!
  14. EWolfe


    Pretty lucid, except for the end...
  15. Left to right: AlpineK, Jon, Catbirdseat:
  16. Always The Rupture Never The Rapture -me, circa 1985
  17. Where ever you go, Burninator WILL BE THERE! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  18. All your base is ours
  19. EWolfe


    For the discerning sporto, nothing clips as nice on those hard redpoint attempts like the sweet mamba:
  20. Nice pics, Jord! "trips my bones"
  21. How could I miss a party so close to Bellingham?
  22. I guess to me a power place is where you want to settle down for a bit, spend some time with THE PLACE. Some one said it re-energizes you. That's very close to - is for me. A sense of history, and you meshing smoothly with that history with honor and respect. You become more aware of your surroundings, notice subtle things. A slowing of movement, deliberation. Hell, it doesn't even have to be pretty. Hueco Tanks is 20 miles outside of the hole, El Paso, and the history, climbing and charging energy of the place kept me wholly in thrall for two months. Erik
  23. Anyone but Bush. Pulling up stuff from 1971 is really reaching. That's desperation.
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