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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. ahem... that's kind of freakin me out , Man!
  2. #183: Ice cube tray cleaner outer?
  3. Don't mince words, what do you really mean?
  4. There certainly have been geniuses in the arts and trades that were not academically brilliant. Certain trades lend themselves to creativity and skill more than others, Dru. Plumbing is not a good example unless you are so threatened by the idea that you must pull up poor examples to ensure your point.
  5. Woohoo! I am bringing my extra memory card this weekend!
  6. Maybe it's "SexyTaries Day" Rowwwwrrr, Donald.
  7. Brain blocks response. Bye-bye.
  8. as opposed to the inclusivity of experience
  9. Good example of the blind misunderstanding of the traditional, and exclusivity-based education
  10. BUMP! I will reward, OK? With secret crag info.
  11. I have always found it easier to climb partners when they are willing? Admittedly, climbing partners is rigorous work no matter how one looks at it. Barefoot is always the preferable process, Methinks. Second would have to be non-scuffing shoes. Bodily skid-marks are always difficult to explain. Discuss
  12. Maybe you didn't hear me through all that smoke. Let me reiterate:
  13. Being a weatherman/woman in the PNW has got to really suck. Where else can you be wrong so much of the time, and still have a job? Job satisfaction must be incredibly low.
  14. "The-World-Is-My-Gym" mentality
  15. A few years back, when i was working for Outward Bound in Redmond, I became good friends with the Chief Instructor, who put forth what was an interesting idea to me at the time. He had come from an academic background where he was struggling, and decided to become an instructor to "do" something besides studying. He took well to the struggle on the long courses, and soon was doing it full time. As he was teaching courses, he started noticing a phenomenon. Many of his fellow instructors were smart, even brilliant people who had fallen out of grace/interest with traditional educational processes. He recognized there was a different type of learning happening within outdoor education, and one that was valid enough to attract some amazing individuals! Given the aptitude and the drive of these people, he couldn't say that the learning and teaching that was happening there was any bit less valid than a classroom education. It was just a DIFFERENT type of learning. It was presented to me as "experiential learning". That is, the ability to absorb through process rather than study, experiment rather than theory, doing rather than reading about doing. Now, certainly there is some overlap. None of us is pure experiential or pure bookworm. We do or study at some level. But the lack of recognition of the experiential learner in modern-day schools is a major oversight ! These are the people (like me) who: Loved the following classes in school as youngsters, cuz they could move and DO! Gym Arts and Crafts Wood and Metal Shop Home Economics ( many experiential men rue the fact they actually liked this class) So, here's to all of you, we, experiential learners! You're a brilliant bunch, and I have never met more than in the climbing community. There is some combination of doing and exploring possibility that is the experiential kid in the candy store. You are the best folks on this orb
  16. Wow! E-rock. Are you a teacher? Because your fluent clarification of fact is only exceeded by your modesty and well-versed delivery. Truly, you are a gift to the higher echelons of education. I call you Sensei.
  17. It takes a lot of Forrest Gumption to say that.
  18. Ryan, you need to get some help for that w00t tic , Man.
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