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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    red hair

    Hey, Snugtop. If you are a speluktrix, do you like to go down?
  2. EWolfe

    red hair

    Here's a recent picture, kind of a strawberry redhead:
  3. That should keep you off the sauce!
  4. Helmet and gloves isn't really naked, is it? Discuss. (what a freak, looks like a school zone )
  5. EWolfe

    red hair

    Just kidding about the lifetime. When in doubt, watch "Swingers" again
  6. EWolfe

    red hair

    A lifetime. Trust me.
  7. Dave, do you ALWAYS have to use that stupid green smiley guy?
  8. Yeah, but if you think getting hit by a chalkbag full of rocks hurts, wait 'til Dru comes at you with his chalk BUCKET for scoopin'
  9. I must admit, I am curious about the "Turbo Monkey Thunder Dome"
  10. Maybe a schedule of depreciation?
  11. EWolfe

    fart machine

    Bu they are SO good!
  12. Matt is going to be a busy man in the next 5 days!
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