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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe


    I think i just bought a wooded, flat 1.3 acre parcel 15 miles east of Stevens Pass Summit. It is on the sunny North Side, off the highway. Has a well on-site, as well as phone and power. There is a nice cedar grove on it, 100-foot douglas firs, and the original trail across the pass is a faded path through the woods. Nason Ridge is in my backyard, and Fish Lake is a 15 minute drive. Leavenworth is 20. Visions of Mountain Chalet danced in his head!
  2. EWolfe

    Ass Avatars

    I love the wedgie one.
  3. Send her a shirt. They so say "Mike is hot and available"
  4. Sultry, sexy and Smokiiinnnnn HOT!!! 8===D
  5. Smelly-End-of-Monkey has got it right. I think I dislike Britney a bit less after this news.
  6. What does that make this guy, then? 6!
  7. Scenes from last year: -Boyz Then, drink: Things get a little looser: The talk turns ugly: Cake breaks the tension with Mr Mastadon Farm: Everybody sing! birds fall from the window ledge above mine then they flap their wings at the last second you see birds fall from the window ledge above mine then they flap their wings at the last second I can see their dead weight just dropping like stones or small loaves of bread past my window all the time but unless I get up and walk across the room and peer down below I don't see their last-second curves toward a horizontal flight all these birds just falling from the ledge like stones now due to a construct in my mind that makes their falling and their flight symbolic of my entire existence it becomes important for me to get up and see their last second curves toward flight it's almost as if my life will fall unless I see their ascent Mr. Mastodon farm - Mr. Mastodon farm cut swatches out of all materials
  8. I may get banned, but I got a Butte Route for Wayne...
  9. That's just the moment you meet the two prana babes and (one of) their friend looking for a ropegun, hopefully.
  10. We all work. No time for frivolities like your "climbing" Bah!
  11. This is a kind, gentle place at cc.com....right now. Thank you.
  12. A bit before this:
  13. Wouldn't it be amazing coincidence if she was your new climbing partner, too?
  14. He just waitin for you.
  16. EWolfe


    I'm up a creek without chatter
  17. EWolfe

    Day By Day

    It's quite sad, actually. I hate to air dirty laundry in a public forum , mind you, but I found out how to monitor Mike's search criteria? And frequency? Search Criteria: Velcro, Sheep, animal, clown, ghey, 111 Search Frequency (sample): 0516, 0556, 0742, 0855/remote, 0955/remote, etc....
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