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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Yep, the beta on the staged photo: Wears his harness under his pants, clipped his shoes to the right (hidden) side, fixes himself to a pin to the right (also hidden), dons the flip-flops, pulls the beer out of his oversized chalkbag ( toothsheaf, if I am not mistaken ), someone above pulls the rope up, and as he swings onto the crux 5.13, a strategically positioned photographer shoots the pic. Here he is actually climbing: approaching a hella scary V6 slippery quartzite move at the needles, SD
  2. EWolfe

    Ashcroft Resigns

    Don't forget the "h" in Ashcroft is silent!
  3. But how about that glacier skiing? w00t!
  4. When she's being all cold, I approach carefully.
  5. Post-election whining ST U
  6. ...and the night before, and the night before that....
  7. My Bee-aad is larger than your bee-add. Can you believe it? The higher I go, the better I feel. I've never had a headache, what is it like? I don't smell anything. To close to the creek. I've never faated, I've never sweat. What is it like? But I know what it's like. I know everything. My Bee-aad is everthing. The route is impassable without severe ice-climbing, ladders, or one bee-add. Route is out of shape unless you are Swedish.
  8. Your skull's freakin' me out, Man.
  9. EWolfe

    Where's The Love?

    Conservatives, Liberals Banned Camp, Ass-End-scionistdotcom Bolt, Trad Faster-Solo, blah-blah Canadian, American (we're all North "American") Ski, Snowboard It's All Good!
  10. That's why I never leavehome without one of these:
  11. "I thought we were an autonomous collective!"
  12. OH MY GODDER!! MY DODDER IS SEEING THE NODDDER! edited for stupid steaksauce override
  13. Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.
  14. Lots of hot women. Decent live music and club scene. No decent climbing gym. Reasonable rents. Shortage of great restuarants.
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