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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. or maybe he's from Olympia?
  2. The Big Lebowski Napoleon Dynamite Many times.
  3. EWolfe

    I'm so bored...

    Bored is a state of mind, not a state of being. Change your mind.
  4. Drytooling shotcrete at lower malamute. Takin' it for granite - Renton oh, and Wortley's Revenge, Smith Rock (in the new guide)
  5. You guys crack me up How's the finger, Pax?
  6. Don't let a little good news stop you!
  7. Actually, they are talking about shotcreting the lower malamute, but it hasn't been done yet. Now, about that new Smith Rock Guide...
  8. Gee, the lower town wall is so pristine.... (QUARRIED!!) hate to mess it up with a few bolts
  9. There is a copy of the book on UW that Scott Hopkins and I did in the UW reference library.
  10. de doo doo do de da da da
  11. Mike Layton and I were up at Squamish FRiday and Saturday, and observed the process of the lower malamute being sprayed down with concrete. Apparently, some A*#hole broke his ankle while poaching clean crack last year, stopping trains for the rescue. It is a sad day when some of the best climbing at squamish is buried under inches of concrete.
  12. ...coming soon to a dollar store near you.
  13. C'mon What do you want? What do you want? I want rock'n'roll All right Long live rock'n'roll Oh yeah yeah Rock of ages, rock of ages Still rollin', keep a-rollin'
  14. EWolfe

    Pub Club?

    You do that and I'll slap you in the face with my newly acquired bum-arm!
  15. Adult Swim: (From The Brak Show) Dad: Mother if you don't stop crying I'll.... Mom: You try it and I'll rip off your arm and shove it up your bum! Dad: You do that and I'll slap you in the face with my newly acquired bum-arm!
  16. Oh, look what you’ve done to this rock ’n’ roll clown Oh oh, look what you’ve done
  17. ...at least that's what THEY told me...
  18. I have surgical implants tied to my optic nerves, a wink is a click.
  19. EWolfe

    A sad day...

    Good run, though. Prince playing hoops was LMAO. The good news: It's national watermelon day today!
  20. Soloed Zodiac and did South Seas Is it true? Well done, either way! {looking for TR....nope, not yet}
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