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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    Really Great Books

    "A Life" by Edward Abbey, is really good, too. (as is anything he wrote, pretty much.)
  2. EWolfe


    and not so straight, he's much squigglier.
  3. EWolfe


    yep. The red x, htat's him alright.
  4. Ha ha ha haaaa ha Ha ha ha haaaa ha I know this much is true.
  5. EWolfe


    Always carry an extra wired.
  6. EWolfe

    Really Great Books

    That's a great book. A new perspective on baseball!
  7. In a litiginous society, it seems this is inevitable. Unfortunately, peoples emotional response supercedes the impact of their actions. What ever happened to personal responsibility?
  8. EWolfe


    Wedged booty
  9. EWolfe

    Really Great Books

    An excerpt for Dru (from Bryson's book): "For animals that need never surface, obscurity may be even more tantalizing. Consider the fabled giant squid. Though nthing on the scale of the blue whale, it is a decidedly substantial animal, with eyes the size of soccer balls and trailing tentacles that can reach lengths of sixty feet. It weighs nearly a ton and is earth's largest invertebrate. I f you dump one in a normal household swimming pool, there wouldn't be much room for anything else. Yet no scientist-no person as far as we know-has ever seen a giant squid alive. Zoologists have devoted careers to trying to capture, or just glimpse living giant squid and have always failed. They are mostly known from being washed up on beaches-particularly, for unknown reasons, the beaches of the south island of New Zealand. They must exist in large numbers because they form a central part of the sperm whales diet, and sperm whales take a lot of feeding.* *The indigestible parts of giant squid, in particular their beaks, accumulate in sperm whales' stomach into the substance known as ambergris, which is used as a fixative in perfumes. The next time you spray on Chanel #5 (assuming you do), you may wish to reflect that you are dousing yourself in distillate of unseen sea monster."
  10. Let's hear 'em. We're talking top 5. I'm about 2/3 of the way through "A Short History of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson. Amazing book! Others: "The Immortal Class: Bike Messengers and the Cult of Human Power" Travis Hugh Culley "The Four Agreements" Don Miguel Ruiz The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity" Daniel P. Reid
  11. What's Up, Tom! Good job! -Erik
  12. "here I go again on my own walking down the only road I've ever known" "I'll stop the world and melt with you"
  13. EWolfe

    Are you...?

    Very Cool stuff.
  14. EWolfe


    Done that one several times. If you are camping on the sun-deck: 1. bring duct tape to tape your tent down 2. bring a luggage lock for your tent flaps, stuff does get stolen out of tents 3.Although they say you cannot cook on the sundeck, many people do so inside their vestibules on the sly, saving major $$. 4. Bring games, books, booze (if you drink), the bar can get expensive.
  15. Awright you gapers, I finally fixed my work truck and am off to Index. Looking for a partner for tomorrow, I'll be in the blue Honda CR-V with the bitchen rims See y'all out there! tonight!
  16. EWolfe


    Not as hard as Lummox intolerance.
  17. EWolfe

    The Aristocrats

    You're a sick puppy, Snuggy! How come you're not out climbing?
  18. Sorry to hear it, Man I have spent some rough times on the Skykomish River at Index to clear the spirit. Works well, and camping is free. Good luck.
  19. EWolfe


    Pretty sure Badvoodoo has that covered.
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