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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Interesting fact about Lake Erie: It is one of the few lakes in the world tht is ON an island and also has an island in it. Island-within-an-island.
  2. I know about the Thunder Monkey Dome. Are there others?
  3. I'e got a feeling that Baker tomorrow for opening day is going to be on the list!
  4. EWolfe

    I Can't Stay Away

    Only in the sense that it dwarfs your package!
  5. I guess I should stay away from that 78th cup of drip.
  6. EWolfe

    I Can't Stay Away

    You still pissed about the dwarf-tossing incident?
  7. EWolfe

    Cat Bib

    I am waiting for him to moo.
  8. EWolfe

    I Can't Stay Away

    Those weren't flames. If you are going to make a comparison make sure there is some legitimacy to your claims.
  9. There's a boulder on the south side of the highway a couple of miles (?) before the index turnoff. There is also some bouldering in the new clearcut below Zeke's Wall, and also some on the trail up to the upper wall (bring brushes!) Additionally, there is a V5(?) just below the start to Godzilla across the footbridge, and the classic arete/slab to the left of Princely Ambitions on the trail. Erik
  10. I slept on the 4th pitch of Liberty Crack - does that count?
  11. EWolfe


    Bring your own chisel and glue. You can be just like a Smith Rock Routesetter!
  12. I am SO there on Tuesday! Woooo-Hooooo!
  13. Here's a creation of my own that is yummy: Carmelize garlic, add olive oil add stuffed green olives and kalamata olives (sliced) sliced red peppers pesto sauce thick sliced small tomatoes 1/4 cup red wine salt to taste serve over linguine with fresh grated asiago
  14. You been hangin' out with RUMr again?
  15. I'm a n00b on the BC gym scene. So, whatever. It's all gotta be better than Bellingham, y'know?
  16. They're way better skewered
  17. ..at the cost of your underpaid laborers.
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