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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. That's what they said about the passenger pigeon. Funny link, Pax!
  2. You guys are awesome for doing this. All will go well with the love in your hearts.
  3. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
  4. He ran out of saran wrap for his hot ?
  5. What's with the little "A" fag...errr...flag?
  6. Got room for one more 'Hamster if anyone wants to ride down with us. Back tomorrow night. Erik
  7. EWolfe

    Photo Caption?

    My Love: This is what it feels like since you left me.
  8. We have nothing to fear but thinking itself! Slick Willie. Slickerer George.
  9. I have unlimited access with her, that's.... Whoops! Wrong thread!
  10. A.S.A.S. Drops Wife Beater Tee Shirts for Mesh Half Shirts as Official Uniform "Anybody can wear a white sleeveless T nowadays," explained Bubba. "But to wear a mesh half-shirt, well shoot, you gotta be one crazy-ass hick to wear one of them."
  11. "Hey! Let's scramble up that and see what's on top!"
  12. You can't find THAT in a phonebook!
  13. Don't be dissin' the good Doctor, or you might find your car hood "sporting" a new ornament or two.
  14. "I don't need a back-up chute!"
  15. EWolfe

    Bad Joke night...

    What did the mother buffalo say to her son as he left for school? Bison!
  16. Any other ones? What about Ski Bowl on Hood?
  17. Are places like The Summit doomed to close? Do they have other recreational options? Discuss.
  18. "ooooooooooooooooooo... mesh half shirts. I TOTALLY forgot about those. OK... I'm excited now."
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