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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. Peter Croft on-sighting University Wall after Hamish told him to "get his skinny ass" on it.
  2. I hope they don't follow the Seattle tradition of falling apart in the playoffs...
  3. EWolfe

    New Smoking Law

    You shouldn't be smoking around that Billy!
  4. EWolfe

    New Smoking Law

    When we were driving around in Leavenworth, we actually saw some people smoking in the road, with traffic whizzing right by them.
  5. Index: Thin Fingers, Slow Children, Zoom Wedding Day at Smith
  6. EWolfe

    New Smoking Law

    Public Establishment.
  7. EWolfe

    New Smoking Law

    In Leavenworth today for some Christmas shopping, I had the opportunity to ask an officer what the fine was for violation of the "25 foot limit". He said it was actually a Health issue, so the Health Department held the primary responsibility for enforcement. The City, County, etc, CAN issue a citation, but unless there is a call in, probably won't. Another interesting point: If the Health Department issues the citation, it is $100. But if po-po issues, it's mandatory $202 ticket. Discuss.
  8. You, Sir, are the Sultan of Suck. The Highness of Hoover.
  9. Yes, precisely. There is no "logical" reason why one should oppose bolts. The logic starts from some kind of premise, that climbing is a "special" activity (read the post above). Then if you assume that this experience is a function of how close to a "wilderness" feel the climb has, and if you assume that future parties should be able to find the same "special" experience on the climb, logic then dictates that we should avoid bolts (or at least restrain ourselves when applying them). Good Luck with that premise. Hope it works out for you and your throng of "converts". I mean, who could resist? You're like one of those magnetic cult leaders with your smooth prose.
  10. I am interested in your Mammut Rope, which kind? Still in package? Erik
  11. For me, placing cams that are too small is worth the risk, cuz I save so much weight on the climb.
  12. EWolfe

    Men/X > Gary

    Abacuses are Old Skool.
  13. More Of The Same Ummmm, are you trying to tell me something, K?
  14. EWolfe

    Big News

    I thought I saw an ELF at Smith once, but it was just Rudy on Viscious Fishes.
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