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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. If I was on "crystal", I'd probably be stoked for moguls too.
  2. Sorry, we've all converted to Avitripp's rating system: If it's got a hard start and you rate it by that, you're a whining crybaby. Otherwise the grades remain the same. Hope that helps!
  3. EWolfe

    Happiness is...

    a full bottle, a long vacation and lots of sun!
  4. Damn that's irritating, but you get a random freeze shot just before the reply screen comes up!
  5. Back on track: I like how Luke managed to REPRESENT the bouldering crew with the pad! Must be a Bouldery Start!
  6. Karo syrup and sand administered to earthmover? Fun times!
  7. You can lead a horticulture, but...
  8. I heard that metolius started putting the tread on their cams after a big gov't contract required the treads on their order.
  9. EWolfe

    New Smoking Law

    I had a girlfriend like that once...
  10. Six Million dollars, and the best you could do was a girl? Let me know when you perfect the woman.
  11. EWolfe

    I <3 Kiwis

    Yes, yes. It's magical.
  12. That is so cool. Bet it hurts like hell if they wang that tusk on a rock or something.
  13. EWolfe

    New Smoking Law

    Enjoying an "after" cigarette.
  14. Matt's post really puts my organs out of adjustment!
  15. Jesus. You all do go on and on about this. Cannon fodder for Pope.
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