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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    Lard-Ass Poll

    I've lost 10 pounds in the last 4 months, back to my 'fighting weight'.
  2. Northwest Passage at A2+ is highly exposed and very enjoyable as well.
  3. to you Luke, do they celebrate Xmas in Mongolia?
  4. I had a few too many and thought spraying was a good idea. I guess I was thinking about all of the innundation of all of the things that are "bad for you" and the reactive, fear-mongering state of our newspeople. Obviously, not all information is bad, but the overwhelming majority of information put out there seems negative rather than positive. Anyway, enough pooh-poohing on the eve of Christmas.
  5. That explains your lack of creativity and new perspective very well.
  6. EWolfe


    I always thought you were one of those random programs.
  7. Use a condom, then what you don't know won't hurt you. Same partner for 2 years - tested when we met. Not so.
  8. Think about it. If your well-being is determined by your knowledge and belief, then any detrimental information can poison you. So much poison and fear.
  9. The information age sucks. Discuss.
  10. I'm friggin' and I am 'Merrry' to boot! Have a good holiday break, Y'all!
  11. EWolfe


    Frbzxphhhhtemmewewworrrrrrg! !
  12. EWolfe

    MisterE's avatar

    I think it looks better with the dark background.
  13. Any post with Se-I-Ayy ( ) will get noticed. But the mailbox thing IS weird.
  14. WRONG!!!! It's about NEW YEARS GOALS!! That means next year, Brainerd
  15. Another unclimbed grade 5 in N. Cascades Put up more 5.11 FA's at secret crag :chestbeat: Free solo SEWS easy route Climb Back of Beyond Buttress (non-Layton ascent) Go back to Skaha (it's been 3 years) Climb Davis-Holland (never done it in 18 years )
  16. Neri a word have I heard about that.
  17. EWolfe


    I see Mike is gearing himself up for the 20 hour drive to CalledARathole to see family.
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