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Everything posted by EWolfe

  1. EWolfe

    Lard-Ass Poll

    I've lost 10 pounds in the last 4 months, back to my 'fighting weight'.
  2. This is what's next!
  3. Northwest Passage at A2+ is highly exposed and very enjoyable as well.
  4. to you Luke, do they celebrate Xmas in Mongolia?
  5. I had a few too many and thought spraying was a good idea. I guess I was thinking about all of the innundation of all of the things that are "bad for you" and the reactive, fear-mongering state of our newspeople. Obviously, not all information is bad, but the overwhelming majority of information put out there seems negative rather than positive. Anyway, enough pooh-poohing on the eve of Christmas.
  6. That explains your lack of creativity and new perspective very well.
  7. EWolfe


    I always thought you were one of those random programs.
  8. Deja Vu!
  9. Use a condom, then what you don't know won't hurt you. Same partner for 2 years - tested when we met. Not so.
  10. Think about it. If your well-being is determined by your knowledge and belief, then any detrimental information can poison you. So much poison and fear.
  11. The information age sucks. Discuss.
  12. I'm friggin' and I am 'Merrry' to boot! Have a good holiday break, Y'all!
  13. EWolfe


    Frbzxphhhhtemmewewworrrrrrg! !
  14. EWolfe

    MisterE's avatar

    I think it looks better with the dark background.
  15. EWolfe

    MisterE's avatar

  16. Any post with Se-I-Ayy ( ) will get noticed. But the mailbox thing IS weird.
  17. EWolfe


  18. Yes, the cave is awesome!
  19. WRONG!!!! It's about NEW YEARS GOALS!! That means next year, Brainerd
  20. Another unclimbed grade 5 in N. Cascades Put up more 5.11 FA's at secret crag :chestbeat: Free solo SEWS easy route Climb Back of Beyond Buttress (non-Layton ascent) Go back to Skaha (it's been 3 years) Climb Davis-Holland (never done it in 18 years )
  21. Neri a word have I heard about that.
  22. What has 9 arms and sucks?
  23. EWolfe


    I see Mike is gearing himself up for the 20 hour drive to CalledARathole to see family.
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