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Everything posted by bunglehead

  1. You rock Timmay Incredible pics! What kind o' camera you got there kiddo?
  2. I used to hang out at Good Times a few years ago when I was cooking across the street. That place is like 3 blocks from my place, I'm very familiar with it. Either is good for me. I'll probably go down to Max's this evening.
  3. Max's is on 13th near campus. It's been there forever. There was an article about it in Maxim (feb issue) that said that Max's is one of the bars that Moe's tavern on the Simpsons is modeled after. Fucking great place. Just head toward campus and look for the hole in the wall with the Harleys parked out front. As far as on tap goes, not too many. But there are some really good pool players down there.
  4. Who's got the woody tucked in their garage? Anybody? When should we try to get together? I'm usually at Max's on Thurday (an other) evenings for a pint, and I wouldn't mind doing the dawn patrol at the columns once in a while.
  5. I'm with trask. 35 and 40 aint over the hill. Over the hill means you can hold your liquor and climb with a hangover. Just Check out the kind of shit Jay Smith still does. He's like 46(??) and he's an animal.
  6. Any climbers in Yoo-gene interested in getting together for sometime ??? Anyone?
  7. There's a pic in the current Metolius catalog of a dude crankin' down on a problem at "The Red Zone" Doesn't say where, except OR. Anybody know where this is? Guys? Gals? Anybody??
  8. Mmmmmm!! 4:20!
  9. So one strand of the rope is tied off with a figure eight on a bight, which goes to one of the lockers, and the other is clove hitched to the other locker on the other bolt? Damn, that sounds slick. I'll try it this weekend. I use the bowline on a bight, and the only thing I've noticed is that it sometimes take a little work to get both sides truly equalized.
  10. bingo!!! we went up there last night to enjoy a dip in the icy coldness... talk about shinkage... I got a brain freeze from divin head first into the pool... we decided to go there instead of the place outa sweethome... There are some seriously insane swimming holes up that way. There are a few enormous holes upstream from the bridge at Cascadia park. Oregon has the best swimming holes.
  11. Tamolitch? I recall it being bigger. Prob'ly just hard to tell from the photo. Actually that was my first guess, but I guess i suckered myself. I thought it would be harder. Mindfucked myself! Bah!
  12. Clear spring on the McKenzie?
  13. OMC in Portland. or online shops.
  14. What I want to know is isn't bolting a route very time consuming and expensive? What would motivate an individual to spend that much effort to put up routes that are too easy for them? Hmmm.... I just don't know.
  15. 2 guys walk into a bar. The third guy ducks. a termite walks into a bar, asks the guy behind the counter, "Is the bartender here?" the guy says no, so he leaves
  16. I've had a few people at my work try to convert me. It's actually kind of sad/hilarious. They act like they'll get a million "go to heaven" bonus points if they convert a Jew or something. Fucking weird world we live in. I personally have found that all organized religion is one of the reasons we have such a fucked up planet. It'd be great if we could just respect each other.
  17. I usually work past 5, but maybe I'll try to go up that way this week to see if I can find em too. I'll post anything I do find.
  18. It's so damn hot here in Eugene that I leave brownie mix in my car at work, leave the windows rolled up, then when I get out to my car at 5, fresh baked brownies! Mmmm...... broownnnieeeessss. Almost
  19. Okay, I know about the Harlan quarry. I heard banjos when I climbed there last time. I've seen pics of the boulders "in" Corvallis. I'm pretty damn sure I remember reading that they're in sweet home? Any takers?
  20. What the hell could they retrobolt? What are they like 5 feet apart now? they were spaced well, I thought. I sure as hell hope nobody "retrobolted" the runout on the second pitch. there was no reason to, it's a walkup.
  21. I know one of you out there has beta on this area. Anybody willing to give up some info? Help a guy out.
  22. "Gimme some Coffee" "What Flavor?" "COFFEE! flavored coffee"
  23. Artic's rock! I've had mine for similar length. The independant battery back may seem like a pain - but I prefer it to the battery on the back of the head, because a)That weight gets annoying b)Increased battery life in winter. Gospel from the choir. Mine's been exposed to rain, snow, sleet, (whatever the fuck that is), at least one beer soaking, a dog, and 350 miles of the PCT, and it is entirely dependable. I always have a backup battery, but they just seem to last. FYI, I also have a BD moonlight, and while I like it, I always reach for the Arctic first. Food for thought.
  24. I've been using the same Petzl Arctic for 10 years. My dog chewed on the rubber cover, and it still works. Goddamn thing is like a tank. The battery pack is a little awkward, and it takes a specialized battery, but it's super bright and they seem to last forever. On a slightly unrelated note: I'd rather it be a 21 yr old, as I don't want to go to "federal pound me in the ass prison"
  25. My feelings go out to his family. That bites. I hope everyone involved with the accident and rescue are well.
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