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Everything posted by bunglehead

  1. Real men climb offwidths
  2. True. And it's damn pleasant in the early morning (before 7) I actually like the columns when nobody's there.
  3. I'm with you Timmy. Mayo and shit thread
  4. Hey Seattle folks, you guys are lucky you have a selection of crags. In Eugene, we have one place to climb (the Columns) that's decent when nobody is there but most of the time sucks and is choked with gapers. I've had ropes dropped on me several times. When it's crowded, you can't even take in slack w/o hitting the person next to you. I just go early in the mornin, and usually there's only one other group there. Boo to gapers
  5. gyms suck after a while. Boo to plastic.
  6. You are too funny Timmy! The Biatch.
  7. bunglehead


    It won't be me Timmay!
  8. SORRY NOT TLG I know who you are lurker.
  9. A few weeks ago I was walking off the east ledges of el cap and saw a german couple walking down. They asked us what we had climbed and replied that they had been climbing too. I thought this was interesting because they had no climbing gear except their harnesses and a rope. I asked them which route they had gone up and they said they had climbed the falls trail and now they were doing some "extreme rappelling" back down the "scary" east ledges decent. Yeah, I've heard of this too. I have this stoner friend who always wants to go rappelling off of bridges and shit. He doesn't climb though. I can't figure that out. Wierd. I avoid it as much as possible.
  10. "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy" As said by Tom Waits on "Fernwood Tonight" and at least one early episode of SNL
  11. Timmay!
  12. Anybody else there?
  13. "Skiing's the easy part, Carl"
  14. Don't go TLG!
  15. 11.5, maybe 12. They're in really good shape, just too narrow for my feet. pm me if interested.
  16. You Gotta love George Kennedy's bulletproof, stronger than God hip belay. And what's with that indian chick running Clint ragged? And the gay guy? Man "Sanction" is actually a pretty bizarre pic if you think about it. Cliffhager: Hi-larious. Where did Stallone get that Bolt gun? To quote Timmay, that things "Plab" My favorite "climbing" movie: "K2 The ultimate High" Scott Glen(sp?): Positively BADASS
  17. If they're BD Cams, they'll sew new ones on for $7.50 a unit.
  18. Makers Mark.
  19. I've got that book Timmay. It's full of typos, and the route descriptions are offset on some sections, but at least it gives good directions to all of the areas listed. I've been to a few of the areas. The Honeycombs, Flag, Youtklut, and they're all beautiful. Haven't gotten to actually climb the upper Umpqua rocks, but they're really pretty, and there's a ton of camping. So for me at least, it's been a good purchase. Greg Orton has a website that has corrections listed, and he's really prompt with the e-mail replies.
  20. Hey! my girlfriend is really mad at me because of this thread. She's breaking up with me as a result of it! Ask to see one stranger's ass.......
  21. If you insist... In this picture you can see my sweet young little ass... Uhh... yeah... That's umm... Wow. That is not AT ALL what I meant, "Miss Normandy" you freak.
  22. Yes, the pictures "Miss Normandy" Let's see em...
  23. I'm with Trask, POST YOUR ASS! I'm an assman!
  24. Timmay! Mine rolls in shit all the time and does the same bark, yo. My dog kept me sane through my divorce . My mutt has definitely taught me to not take life too seriously, unless there's a bone, ball or pine cone around.
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