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Everything posted by bunglehead

  1. Coffee! Mmmmm! Actually I drink espresso, which (if you can believe it) has less caffeine than regular coffee. I Can drink 5 shots a day or none. Either way I'm good, but I definitely gotta have my chocolate when I'm climbing! Hell, even water is bad for you if you drink too much of it. Like Chris Rock says "Red meat won't kill ya, green meat'll kill ya!" to caffeination. And I think heroin is much, MUCH worse than caffeine, isn' t it?
  2. Once I won a pickled egg eating contest. Even my dog avoided me. 12 Jalapeno pickled eggs. I didn't feel "firm" for a week.
  4. Bastards! I'm jealous! I expect a full report when you return. Damn this Monday through Friday 8-5 job!! Damn it to HELL!! Seriously, have a blast. I'm hopin to get up there myself this season.
  5. I was in Bend a couple weeks ago, went to Meadow camp. After climbing, it looked to me like there were people that were scoping vehicles. After what Timmy told me about his friend up at Tumalo, I make sure to lock it up tight and conceal as much as possible from crackhead eyes. Sucks to see it finally came to Bend. Watch your shit folks.
  6. Hey if they can't enforce it, I'll never, EVER buy a trail park pass again. It's double taxation and total bullshit. Isn't there an annual protest day where nobody pays? Fuck the Forest Service, and The Recreation Coalition of Amerika. We shouldn't have to pay to use OUR land. I will write my congressman.
  7. CHALK?!!! And all this time I thought people meant crayons! Man I feel like such an idiot! No wonder every time I'm done climbing it looks like a kindergarten class was up there!
  8. Scarpa dealer=Base Camp in Bellingham (Ask for Mike=good boot fitter; knows wtf he's doin) Don't buy boots online...that's fuckin stooopid. I know.. But I live in Hippie town OOPS! I mean Eugene, and I'd have to drive. Actually, getting out of here to buy boots might be a good thing.
  9. What a fucking moron!!
  10. GO Timmay! I'm headed up to the woods for some climbs with my lady friend.
  11. I saw that. He barely won. I can't tell you how many times he's come close to getting dragged out of the bar and beaten. Well we'll hook up again soon. Maybe we could drive out to Sweet Home and do some bouldering. I sent you a pm about it. I know who you are now and I'll introduce myself next time.
  12. Wide Feet: Scrapas. I'll give it a go. Any suggestions for good boot shops online?
  13. I was there. Fejas, were you with 2 other dudes? I think I saw you if that was you. Wearing a whistler-blackcomb hat? Did you play pool with some ugly old fat guy? Man I hate that guy. Next time I'll know..
  14. bunglehead


  15. See somebody down there tonight? I'll be there around 6-7. If not, I'll still be down there!
  16. [ that was yesterday talkin bout today... sorry ya sat there all by your self ... I wasn't done with my shit untill 1000pm, so I though ya wouldn't be down anymore. Sounds like we need a little more of an advance on planning this gig... BH, I gotta do this b-day thing for an hour at 5:30, but myself and my bro will be there shortly after to have some beers with ya.... Yes, tonight MR BH will be there. YES, more advance planning. Tonight
  17. I'll be there tonight for sure. my name's Ron if anybody wants to join me. I'll be there between 6 and 7 and I'll stick around for an hour or so. Hope to see at least one of you there. Sorry you god stood up Anna. I'll be there tonight. Actually, I'm almost always there on Thursday nights, on account of I'm a loser.
  18. Ryland, looking forward to meeting you. Did you summit Denali this year? I've been wanting to do some mountaineering but I made the mistake of buying some Makalus and then going for a ten mile hike in them right out of the box. I'm such an idiot. My left knee still hates me. Oh well. I still can climb! See ya 'all tomorrow at the tavern -Ron
  19. Max's is on 13th next to Little's Market down the street from the Bijou. there's usually a few Harleys parked out front. None of you have been there? That's crazy. I signed up for the paycheck docking plan. Every 2 wks or so the keyboard player for the Daddies plays on Fri nights with his band "100% chips" Kinda crazy loung-ey jungle type shlocky type stuff. It's pretty kickass. Mmmmm......
  20. Nice Fejas. Classy! I actually can't make it tonight, but I'll be there tomorrow; Max's that is. Look for a big gimp with glasses and a face that looks like a porkchop with features. It'll be interesting to meet youz guyz and gal? Anna? Hopefully Ryland can make it. If I'm correct he did Denali and summited earlier this year. Hardcore. I get winded taking a dump. Seriously, I hope we all meet and have fun. I'll be there Thrusday night around 6-7 -Ron
  21. Thanks for the beta folks! I think I will get a wider boot. The REI here sucks ass for mountaineering boots. I think I'll go to backcountry gear to see if they can help me.
  22. Anybody have probs with these boots, or is it just me? Bought a pair last year for general backpacking, volcanoes, and they tweak my knees. Had a pair of Asolos before the Sportivas and they rocked, but wore em out. Anybody out there with wide, big feet find a good pair of boots?
  23. Allright! Sounds like we might have a scene going on! I'll probl'y go tonight AND tomorrow. I usually go solo and have one pint, but if I'm gonna be joined by some more peeps, I can stay longer.
  24. Made up example: a climb called "5 Blind Mice" is graded Grade IV 5.10 A2 Grade: how long it takes to complete. I: short 1-? pitches. Can easily be done in a day II: Longer >3 pitches. Usually a half day ~4 hrs III: longer still IV: prob'ly thoe whole dazay V: Possible Bivi except for guys like Potter VI: multi day to 2 weeks or so VII: relativey newer grade applies to that whack Shit in Greenland that takes like 3 weeks. Check old issues of Climbing for articles about Mike Libecki. Class 3: walking Class 4: scrambling. Class 5: Well you all know what this is. My girlfriend has suggested the following: Apply the Y.D.S to hiking. 4.0 to 4.14 I like it. "Dude, I hiked my first 4.12C yesterday." Gives the ego a much needed boost.
  25. Allright, I'm pretty sure I'm headed down to the old Max's tonight if any local gapers want to join me. I'll post later today. Rock on.
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