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Everything posted by Sphinx

  1. Sphinx

    Johny's Gone

    who is he?
  2. In essence, it's a wallet-sized platic box that sends/recieves signals to/from another one. Some beep louder as you get closer to another one, others have digital thingies that point you towards the other one. If someone gets buried in an avalanche, you follow the beeps/digital arrows to find you (probably dead) buddy. Read up on them. There's more to it than can be explained here.
  3. That would be awesome!
  4. Sphinx

    Johny's Gone

    Who is this Johnny Cash person? Never heard of him.
  5. Sphinx

    Top 3

  6. Sphinx

    HEY, j_b!

  7. Fat??? Necro, ya better get an eye exam! Dunno who she is or what she does, but she sure is a good-lookin milf.
  8. Sphinx

    Fukin A!

    I just thought it might be amusing to those pin heads. I never said anything about a war! Jon hates us!
  9. Not me, I shop at the Seattle Flagship store. The mommy and daddy shops can kiss my ass. Well, not really. I do like a good dividend, though. And I don't think that PMS has the GU flavors I like.
  10. Sphinx

    Fukin A!

    Wierd thing is, I only gave a link to this page. Not anything offensive at all. Good thing I have a new avatar over there: Sphinx_2
  11. Sphinx

    Fukin A!

    Yup, they banned me. Damn, I must be bad.
  12. Sphinx

    Fukin A!

    I think they've banned me.
  13. Sphinx

    Fukin A!

    My reposted post at teletips was yanked AGAIN after about 30 seconds! DAMN!
  14. You realize there are little clips on all of those lines? And all you have to do is unclip them and walk striaght through? Damn non-conformist I am sending you to see THE BECK !!! That ought to straighten you out! Bwahahahaha! That made me literally lol.
  15. Sphinx

    Fukin A!

  16. Sphinx

    Fukin A!

    I posted a link to this page over there. It got yanked in literally two minutes. I think I'll post it again.
  17. Sphinx

    Fukin A!

  18. He's got the proper words on a looped tape he can listen to at night so he can "fit in" at the TuffFest "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!" "Yah! Go, Dude! Send!"
  19. Beck invited him for a reason.....
  20. is that more or less than "ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS!!" Right back atcha, chucKy!
  21. Quayle was probably a good guy. Unfortunately, he said so many stupid things that nobody will ever remember anything good about him.
  22. Sphinx

    The OTHER Top 3

    Awwwwww. That's so sweet of you, Necro. Thanks, buddy.
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