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Everything posted by Sphinx

  1. Sphinx


    Hehe. Nice one, greg.
  2. Sphinx


    Beck, you're dumber than a room full of retards. You really don't seem to understand that it's not so much what you do as how you do it. You 'organize' beckfest. We bitch because you take Ropeup and make it BeckFest. But who cares what the cc.comers think, after all, it's their party! You boast about your office, great view, and free beer. It's called arrogance. Not 'posting'. Shows that you're so insecure that you have to boast about penis size. That's right. LAME! You get the de-forest service and the rest of the government 'cooperating' in Leavenworth. And how has gov't influence ever helped climbers? Hello? You sucked the mayor's dick, and he bought you some piece of shit g5. You brag about it. Then you wonder why we call you a loser. See above comment. LAME! Now you suck the 'luit govenor's' dick and brag some more. It's not just me; this exposes just how pathetic you really are. Beck, your mommy must never have explained to you the concept of a braggart and a blowhard. Look it up in the dictionary. There's a photo of you as the definition. You think bragging makes you cool? That it'll win you friends? That people look up to you? Sorry. This drivel makes you lower than the shit people wipe of their boots. The lowest of the low. You're not trolling. Your pathetic personality and incredibly low self-esteem are showing. Try to cover them up with alcohol...it didn't work before. Just once more, in case you didn't get it: YOU SUCK! LOSER!
  3. Sphinx


  4. Sphinx


    Beck you're denser than a barrel of lead doughnuts.
  5. Loud, shiny, and ridden by men in leather and sunglasses? Uh, that may fall within the realm of sharing too much. I nearly fell off my chair!
  6. Sphinx


    cc.com, we eat our weak. Too bad you're weak.
  7. Sphinx


  8. Sphinx, get a life or go climb something. Your posts are so juvenile. How so? My sentiments haven't changed. If you want juvenile, look at your avatar image. What is this club thing, anyway?
  9. Ohhh, that's harsh.
  10. That's ridiculous. No way would I pay 125 to listen to that jackass.
  11. hush you mouth Summer sux. Thought you knew that, Muffy.
  12. That is beyond funny!
  13. You need to put it in a different color: The NEW WHY I HATE ERIK forum. Like that, see?
  14. You tend to ramble and it's really hard to figure out what you are saying.....sometimes you are as bad as Dwayner when you two are arguing....usually you're pretty cool....ALL CAPS REALLY GET ON MY NERVES....chill man, it's all good...except sport routes....they're GREAT! Have a and chill.
  15. NOT ME PERSONALLY BUT CC.COM YOU DID SPRAY SAYING YOU COULD DO IT. THERE IS MONEY ON THE TABLE FOR YOU..... JUST AS I SUSPECTED. YOU CANT DO IT. THAT IS FINE, BUT JUST ADMIT IT. ERIK, shut your dumb ass up. We're getting sick of your spew. You're as bad as Dwayner, and twice as dumb. You shouldn't be a mod.
  16. I'm thinking for bears I've want a more accurate round, maybe a .308 pump, or .300 magnum. For home defense I can see the value of a shotgun, though.
  17. So what charge would you suggest? Buckshot? Heavy birdshot? Maybe a slug?
  18. Does this include j_b? And this, coming from trask! Wow!
  19. Keep out the spray. If someone wants to discuss certain bolts, that's fine, but mosty let's keep this forum like the TR forums that have been mostly spray free.
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