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Everything posted by Sphinx

  1. Sphinx

    I Saw You

    I don't read newspapers. I read cc.com. More info, less bullshit.
  2. Beck's previous chestbeat Now's the time to say it's all a troll, Beck. We're waiting....
  3. Bottom line is that it is inappropriate to hijack, or try to hijack, every thread you post on. Dwayner, get a clue. Keep your spray where it belongs. At your age you should be mature enough to accomplish this. I hope.
  4. Didn't Twight write "I accept Sport Climbing, I participate. Sport Alpinism though?" I think this sums it up. Sport Climbing should be left at Sport Crags to flourish. Just don't bolt shit in the mountains.
  5. words - action = 0 words - action +action = 0 + action words + 0 = action words = action Wow! Cool!
  6. MattP....absurd! I don't need your enforced time-out...it will change nothing. You want me banned because you find me "juvenile" (look at 80% of this site), etc.? Take it up with jon and timmy. What don't you understand about the relationship between climbing area being closed with 400 bolts being removed....and the practice that contributes to the problem. Is it really a big mystery? If it's access you're concerned about....you guys need to do the self-reflection to see how your behavior might contribute to "the Man's" suspicions. If you can convince the powers that those sport-climbs are legitimate....than do it. Although they might get a different side of the story from other of folks. Wow, Dwayner, you are truly clueless.
  7. No, but he's getting damn close to it.
  8. Sphinx

    NEW CAR!

  9. He means those type of routes provide no challenge, no danger, and as such, as Chouinard would say, 'not climbing'. Dwhiner:
  10. Sphinx

    I think

    NO, they DON'T!
  11. Dwhiner, it's not that you state your opinion it's how you state it. Spraying anti-bolt slogans of your own devising in every thread you come across, in every post that you make, is lame. Period. You're as pathetic as the Jesus freaks that stand on corners with signs telling people they're going to Hell.
  12. I dunno, but either way, Dwayner is getting trite and boring. Juvenile is a good word to describe his posts. We need a poll. I'll set one up in Spray.
  13. Now we're getting somewhere....
  14. Sphinx

    I think

    No they don't.
  15. Sphinx

    NEW CAR!

    Fuel cells still need fuel. Where's all the hydrogen going to come from, smart guys?
  16. So in the interest of the climbing community, we should ignore Dwayner's posts.
  17. You sure about this? I can't think of any climbing-related debates we've had on this site. Dwhiner. Seriously, though, you're exactly right, Matt. Climbers don't organize, historically. We're too individualistic. It's too bad, sometimes, though I certainly don't help. I hate groups, but sometimes it hurts more than it helps.
  18. What exactly was their strategy? All I know is from what I've read in the mags about them.
  19. oh you're so, so little minded my friend. I've got some BAD news for you- you are next. FS is still debating a ban on ALL fixed anchors in the wildrness areas. That includes pitons, bolts, slings on horns. So my friend next time you rap down some chunk of rock in the storm you might find yourself paying a hefty fine, just because some deepshit with pornoculars was watching you from the road. Let's leave bolting/ non bolting issue aside. This should be an internal climbing issue. As far as I know if you climb you need to protect it somehow. Pretty soon that won't be possible.... If that happens we should leave Dwhiner's bolt issues aside and start lobbying. If we get the entire climbing community to write letters/make phone calls we can raise a stink that the FS will not like. Petty bolt squabbles will not help anyone.
  20. Is she as hot as the Marmot chick?
  21. I can onsight 3.12's usually.
  22. LS Mega, 5.10 altia. There aren't very many out there. Personally, I see no need for high-tops, unless you like walking off in your rock shoes.
  23. Up Quartz Creek road, for about an hour from the river.
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