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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. ...because the red kind didn't kill enough people. Well put. shut the fuck up. you support the most pro-soviet administration since 1943. rice's understanding of russia and soviets is as good as the current administration energy policy and economic plan.
  2. you'd support that with what basis? what exactly would be the cost and benefit of this? would it even put a dent in our energy consumption? our dependence on oil? after 9/11 the answer of the administration to the oil dependence was to put a flag on your V10 ford F350- bought as a tax brake! now that's creative thinking! fucking genius!
  3. Yeah, I would admit to most of that no problem at all. The jury is out on a few of the "major topics", not on energy though. They screwed the Pooch big on energy did nothing. The supply and demand curve only has one side for them, needing to increase the supply. Unfortunately, Clinton did exactly the same thing for the previous 8 years...NOTHING. Bill had pitched a .50 cent a gallon sliding scale tax increase a gallon with the money going to reinvest into renewables. It was a great plan and all of us would have benefited by lower consumption and the resulting investment. The squealing on both side of the asile was so loud that it was immediately withdrawn and then....THE NOTHING. So we all get to pay now. i don't think clinton was at the office for the past 7 years- right? so what the hell are you talking about? the price at the pump is just a part of the issue. big part of this has to do with the exchange rate. supply and demand is also another bullshit. the demand on oil did not increase 100% in the past 2 or 3 years. face it- dollar is turning into a third word currency. this country is one step from bankruptcy. all time high budget deficit and high inflation rate. don't think you can blame clinton for that. when he left the office the budget was balanced, the debt was being paid off, social security was on track and dollar was super strong.
  4. A communist 5 year plan is something very specific you stupid obfuscating fuck. They were about total state control of the economy and led to false promises for output, forced labor and starvation. "Plans" in general are not the same thing. Not in the least. So let's get back on topic and quit changing the subject: Obama has no plan, just slogans. It's pretty sad that morons just suck up the sloganeering with no questions asked. you support this administration. yet this is the administration that allowed resurrection of russian military. it gave green light for the russians to finish genocide in Chechnya.remember- money walks bullshit walks. it gave all time high revenue sources to countries like iran, russia (aka new soviet union), even nigeria. so as far as promoting "western style democracy" this is the absolute failure. in reality it gave monetary means to all the major regimes to continue their existence. and made the military resources of this country stretched to the most dangerous levels. so you dumb stupid fuck- tell me who is the winner in this 5 year plan?
  5. yeah, and your "solution" is empty gestures... and worse. par for the course from the left when the fuck are you going to admit for once that this administration was wrong on pretty much all the major topics- including energy policies?
  6. glassgowkiss

    obamas SEAL

    why the fuck do you use zappa as an avatar? frank was one of the biggest and most outspoken opponents of republicans. i am sure he'sturning in his grave thinking a psycho-puke like yourself is using his image and supports more psycho-pukes like mcshame
  7. sounds like you might have tweaked serratus anterior muscle. it is responsible also for protraction of the scapulae. it's on ribs 1 through 8 (think)- you can feel it on the side of your chest. also preses scapulae against the rib cage. anyway- just press your fingers on your ribs and raise your arm up and down. it will hurt like hell ate first, but should get better soon. also dig in with your thumb under your scapula on subscapularis muscle. as far as stretching- clasp your arms behind your back. while squeezing your scapulas together raise them behind your back. hold the stretch for 1-2 seconds and repeat 10 times.
  8. glassgowkiss


    bullshit. McCain couldn't be more different than W and he hates W's guts. oh yeah genius. that's why he seeks his endorsement and shows up with him every chance he gets. that's why he also voted 96% with administration in the past 4 years.
  9. that was kkk mom, trying to pull size s onto her xxl ass.
  10. don't pop a boner yet, i am not interested.
  11. why isn't it cut down yet?
  12. so clever- NOT! now go and suck shit through the tube you jizzstain
  13. The Guilded Age Fairweather, you're a fucking moron. as well as every fuck who voted this clown into a president's chair 4 years ago.
  14. wanker learn this - if you dish out- better get ready to take it in you puff clownpunch.
  15. glassgowkiss


    casualty- it's your brain and your sorry ass thinking. what happened to wmd's? because that was the primary reason for war. oh one more thing you dolt. since you mention russia don't forget they are the third largest producer of oil and gas- hence they rake all time high profits from this. this of course is nicely financing their military build-up, which is of course done with blessing of this administration. which just proves one more time you are just a dumb fuck who knows jack and shit
  16. that about sums you up yup, size xxl sums your mom....
  17. not if combined with amo before 9am.
  18. talking about sizing. i bought percip jacket from marmot. size small- feels like it was made for pregnant elephant. wtf? why cater to fat fucks?
  19. below 5.9 it's scrambling....
  20. then voting for bush for the second time plain fucking stupid.
  21. let's party like it's nineteen ninety nine i think your type of party is 69-with fairweather. also heard that you like ATM.
  22. 8 bucks/gal in europe- blah, blah, blah. first of all the distances are much much smaller. second- they developed for years a public transit system, as the matter of fact a car is a rather pain in the ass in the majority of the cities. in fact you don't really need a car in majority of the cases. let's look at seattle- well bfd with light rail going from the airport to u district.like where the fuck are you supposed to park in u district? also in europe diesel is much, much more popular, also natural gas conversion. us has a hummer..... on the other hand it's hard not to suspect market manipulation. supply and demand is a complete horseshit. yeah, yeah, china, india- that's a load of shit. if you look at the numbers they did not increase their demand by 400% in this decade. on the other hand this administration is so in bed with saudis that they don't even suspect a solid buttfuck from their so called friends.
  23. glassgowkiss


    fuck stupid people
  24. to anwser your question; the reason the us and sadia arabia wanted the Iraqi oil was not to drill it and increase supply that wouldn't make sence cause then the oil they own and pump out is worth less, the resaon for Bush's invasion.. stop suply. the iraqis were practically giveing oil to the seria, not counting what they sold to us and other nations, the more oil availible, ie the higher the suply, the less each barrel is worth. you think there is any corraltion with the fact that this is the Bush admin last little drain before there out in 6 mounths? ya summers ussaly brings and increase in price due to an increase in demand, but what other than the lack of supply and or increase in demand brings up the price of a product? so simple attck iraq, saction and "protect" their oil fields so no one gets any. there by increaseing the price of whats available. and as a side note its not to hard to blame those with the most to gain from this action, especally when they are in a position to make it happen. Load of extreme bullshit above. piss off you merly proved my point that suply and demand are the reason for price increase. so the lack of suply from iraq along with the increase in demand from china and else where equals, higher price. and who still benifits from iraqi oil being controled and for the most part off the market. maybe i was wrong in the claim that the recent price was due to the Bush admin wanting to go out with a bang, but i really dought that it isn't atleast part of the reason. so before you call it a load of bullshit maybe you use your "superior" intelct to prove it wrong rather than giveing the asertion more ground on which to stand. So much for the thesis that "FAR right" posters have a monopoly on shitty spelling and grammar. you far righters have a monopoly of being real cunts. and stupid too. now go and play with your gerbils wanker.
  25. Neither is it necessary nor desirable to constantly impugn the motives of those making the decisions, demonizing them and assuming and positing all the worst about them. It would be refreshing for once for more folks to assume those in power with whom they disagree politically are equally as desirous for what is best for the nation as those withm whom they agree politically. fuck off you stupid cunt. like the argument that US ended cold war! if rosevelt didn't sell eastern and central europe to stalin there would not be a cold war (in the shape it happen after ww2) in the first place.
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