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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. the edge of the bergshrund of NF of Athabasca in heavy spindrift. more recently after the first crux of mixed master (little alcove), just to find out the zippers through the crotch don't work and you have to take your bibs off while belaying your partner up (reverso rulez!) middle of the pitch 4 on CMC wall.
  2. aren't you a pissy little cunt? need a tissue?
  3. WTF did people expect for an Olympic Games in Red China? most likely the question should be: wtf is this government expecting from red china? fuck the olympics- how about borrowing money from them and moving entire factories? they have this country by the balls.....
  4. are you this stupid, or simply just pretend to be that way? you barge into a conversation without a shred of knowledge. the only shrinking thing i see here is your ballsack while trying to get on pitches i can hike. end of the story- period. unlike you i can back up my statement.
  5. Wow, there's the pot calling the kettle black. wow- aren't you tough alpinist! i am sure your resume is impressive. Alpinism has nothing to do with you being a cowardly pussy, dude. to put it in simple terms you have no fucking idea what you are talking about -you don't alpine climb. if you get your fingers cold on a bigger route we can talk, other wise fuck off wanna-be clownpunch.
  6. Wow, there's the pot calling the kettle black. wow- aren't you tough alpinist! i am sure your resume is impressive.
  7. Eric- don't blame me for being a pussy. what do you expect? go winter climbing and tan on belays? being cold is just a frame of mind.
  8. the rumour is: you're a tosser too no- that's your mom
  9. Rudy is ok with bigotry as long as it's not towards him. maybe kev you should ask him why he tossed a co-worker over saw horses braking his ribs?
  10. which part of "racist pig" do you have hard time understanding?
  11. maybe you should mentioned neo-nazi remarks towards me are somehow no problem for you, Rudy? assintake or fw would get shit kicked out of them in any major city if they used such remarks towards any minority- even from europe. i hope you get the taste of this "ideology" from some neo-nazi, when you move to europe. see how it feels then!
  12. be brought 4x #2 camalots for pitch 1, but six of them would be nice. Borderline to the Crest to the Drifter is a proud line with a lot of good climbing- one of the best lines in squish imo
  13. my friends from calgary climbed there last week. looks like nice weather and dry rock
  14. a little chest-beat: over 1000 viewers!
  15. haken = piton. there is no expansion part. after drilling the hole the ring is set with thin pieces of led. just to make this alles clar.
  16. Bill and I did FA of that route 2 weekends ago. even though Bill was there a week earlier and there were other people on the route that day, we still claim FA, so don't make any falls claims!
  17. the only measuring was done with your mouth on your donkey dick. your daddy made sure of that. most likely a few extra kicks to the head would explain your current state. later fader- you lack minerals.
  18. Normally, I don't pay much attention to you or GGK/CPB, but I think you've crossed a line when you start dissing an entire nation with the above post, and a "calling out" is required. Clearly, you don't know much of Polish military history, especially where it coincides with US military history, or you would have remembered that were it not for Gen. Casimir Pulaski, our precious USofA might not even exist today. Also, ever hear of a guy named Nicolas Kopernik (first to scientifically prove the Earth is not the center of the universe)? Steve Wozniak (yeah, the Apple computers guy)? Maria Sklodowska (right, she's also known to the West as Marie Curie)? Lech Welesa (surely, he must merit more than a mere paragraph in your text)? Should I go on? Or should I just refer you to a wiki page that's chock-ass full of important and famous Poles. Sometimes, FW, you can be a real asshole. That post was one of them. The sad thing about this little back and forth is that clearly GGK is not Polish. He's at least a half-breed Russian - ce yasno vid joho povedinky, sliv, prymitivnosty, ta nekul'turnosty. Vin chystyj Moskal' - os' i vse. well, your fluency in russian faaar exceeds my abilities. so your kozak background is rather thin smoke screen.
  19. yeah, yeah, for 12 years i was shoved this fucking language down my throat. now fuck off!
  20. redneck you might be, but stupid imbread for sure. even if your ancestors came over on the fucking mayflower you are still not from here. so shove your shite logic up your ass, as you are just another cunt, who learn what computer is. you and people like yourself are just an embarrassment to this mostly decent country. now go suck some shit through the tube jizzthroat. so hell, lets just open our borders up and let every euro trash fuck move right in since were all from europe. hey bitch, you can suck dis niggas nuts. just like your mom did? oh i forgot your mom is your dad's sister- right?
  21. FW- where are you? or are you busy buttfucking pink. for fuck sakes please use a condom, so you don't spawn offspring- as it would be hideously stupid little fuck, very hard to deal with in the future. plus pink being self proclaimed redneck probably stuck his dick in all sort of chicken, sheep and dogs, so only gawd knows what kind of clap you could contract. if untreated most likely it would kill the last 2 gray matter cells and your mom would be very unhappy
  22. what's stopping you? after all that's where you're from too? I doubt Pink holds two passports and claims loyalty to another nation--despite an oath he took. you're one sad motherfucker. You're a little piece of stool. just like your mom
  23. redneck you might be, but stupid imbread for sure. even if your ancestors came over on the fucking mayflower you are still not from here. so shove your shite logic up your ass, as you are just another cunt, who learn what computer is. you and people like yourself are just an embarrassment to this mostly decent country. now go suck some shit through the tube jizzthroat.
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