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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. glassgowkiss


    judging by the news from Gori they really care what western states think
  2. Eat shit and die ya poo stabbing pollack that's all you can come up with shelaq throat salty breath gerbil spelunker? since english is your first language maybe you should learn some vocabulary that goes beyond 3 grade. btw- what was your status in Latvia?
  3. Gregoire already stole the bones. I heard McCain is further right than his mentor Attila the Hun Good luck. He is mummified and under 1 inch glass just off red square. I saw his corpse and laughed (silently of course). It was rather comical to see that murderor bathed in red light well after the red light had left his country. Guess I didn't figure it would be back so soon. Guess joke's on me. laughing silently....oh, how brave. that was the time to show your balls bitch. btw there is only half of the syphilitic asshole left, the lower half was lost, when they moved him during WWII.
  4. by calling him a whiner.... right. i am sure your eyes are brown from turd overload.
  5. all you stupid anti-immigrant idiots don't know a first thing about immigration, so STFU. you wouldn't even know first thing where to start if you ever had to deal with CIS. and maybe you should visit Ellis Island you'd actually know how things worked in the past.
  6. Total agreement. I take issue in that there are honest immigrants who have filled out the paperwork and are patiently waiting...and waiting...and waiting for legal entry. Yet they are getting shit on and walked over and elbowed out of the way by those who would break the law, elbow their way past on of those waiting legally and jump the fence. It's wrong. Big time. Mind you, I'd be jumping the fence if it was me on the other side, but that still doesn't make it right. We're all immigrants one way or another anyway. and your grandparents did not jump the fence? the statistics is US issued 50 work visas to Mexico in 2006.
  7. glassgowkiss


    whatever salty breath
  8. Piss off, Matt. Can't you ever bring up an issue without throwing out FW and my name, and attributing supposed beliefs/stands on our part. It's ridiculous. And, BTW, I don't support this change w/r/t bussing to sporting events. fuck off fluff boy. shouldn't you be busy sucking FW's cock?
  9. glassgowkiss


    *yawn* save your histrionics for someone who cares, tough guy size "S". fuck off wanna be, same for fw. bunch of puff wankers. all you do is talk. total lack of character. save your spew for other fags like your republican buddies (including FW). GWB dropped the ball on that one.
  10. glassgowkiss


    Read what GGK wrote above. He sounds a lot like Michael Savage. Personally I think NATO is more about money and selling weapons than defending Europe from Russian aggression. It also alienates Russia and sets up an "us vs. them" situation that can only be bad. And yes, Russia has invaded Poland in the 20th century. So did Germany, and they are in... NATO... w/Poland. Oops. And I'm not sure why the US has to defend every nation from Russia. you are a pussy. so is GWB. when it comes to real fight your balls shriveled and now are about to fall of. and in his brilliant international political skills bush didn't even see it coming. and bullshit talks with russia, like with an ally.
  11. glassgowkiss


    and thanks to GWB who managed to fuck it up again! talking about non leader! When I think of a "hardliner" against the Russian Bear, AlGore and John Kerry jump into my mind immediately! And Obama even more so! let me see- was kerry or gore in whitehouse for the past 7 years? so what the fuck are you talking about?
  12. now what the fuck was russia doing in cuba in the first place? second- how many times did poland attack russia? Zero!. now show of hands, how many times did russia attack poland? well, looking at history books they occupied our country for over 200 years and attacked poland 2 times in 20th century (1919 and 1939). now who is an aggressor?
  13. glassgowkiss


    how is so? NATO expansion is the only way to go. the only thing that soviets react to is a big stick. the right response would have been to bomb the shit out of kaliningrad. the strategy is to take over countries one by one. your kind of thinking cost europe WWII and this kind of bullshit thinking caused the soviet takeover of eastern and central europe after the war. pretty weak for someone claiming to understand soviet mentality We tried that already. Cold War. It wasn't fun. and thanks to GWB who managed to fuck it up again! talking about non leader!
  14. glassgowkiss


    how is so? NATO expansion is the only way to go. the only thing that soviets react to is a big stick. the right response would have been to bomb the shit out of kaliningrad. the strategy is to take over countries one by one. your kind of thinking cost europe WWII and this kind of bullshit thinking caused the soviet takeover of eastern and central europe after the war. pretty weak for someone claiming to understand soviet mentality We tried that already. Cold War. It wasn't fun. wrong, west tried it, after licking ass and pleasing stalin by selling half of europe in yalta. face it- you can't please them, they are always hungry.
  15. glassgowkiss


    how is so? NATO expansion is the only way to go. the only thing that soviets react to is a big stick. the right response would have been to bomb the shit out of kaliningrad. the strategy is to take over countries one by one. your kind of thinking cost europe WWII and this kind of bullshit thinking caused the soviet takeover of eastern and central europe after the war. pretty weak for someone claiming to understand soviet mentality The US would never tolerate a military alliance composed of nations on our borders, armed to the teeth. It's pretty weak to expect Russia to do so. Russians are paranoid MF'ers, and we are only antagonizing them. I think Ukraine f'd up when they gave up their nukes back in '91 though. who gives the fuck what russia thinks. this stupid mentality of "let's not antagonize them" did not work in the past. the only thing they respond is artillery fire on moscow (vide 1920 war with poland)face it. russia always was and always will be a fucked up country with a lot of fucked up, aggressive and uneducated people. most likely poland and baltic states would have already been back under soviet occupation if they didn't join nato. moving heavy armored division from germany to poland and slovakia would send a clear and loud message what to expect upon attack against NATO.
  16. glassgowkiss


    how is so? NATO expansion is the only way to go. the only thing that soviets react to is a big stick. the right response would have been to bomb the shit out of kaliningrad. the strategy is to take over countries one by one. your kind of thinking cost europe WWII and this kind of bullshit thinking caused the soviet takeover of eastern and central europe after the war. pretty weak for someone claiming to understand soviet mentality
  17. mattp- fw is an idiot (like his idol GWB). he is also not interested in real issues, like war in Georgia (like his idol GWB). talk is cheap. like this administration he talks big, but when the time is to step into the ring with the equal his balls shrink to the size of raisins, so is his unit and our hero just fades away. it's like trying to argue with pee-wee hermin.
  18. glassgowkiss


    i kind of agree. however we should demand from thecurrent administration to fulfill their duties or step aside. Obama or McCain are just two candidates running for the office. GWB is in this office right now. the ball is in his corner and he is seriously lacking balls on this one imo. McCain scored some points with me and i agree Obama didn't respond the right way. however these two man are not the decision makers. current president is. i think this issue is beyond this election and let's hope is dealt with in such manner.
  19. glassgowkiss


    i doubt they are interested in tradining with the west. i think what they are interested in is a common border with germany via poland, so their tanks and armored vehicles can move swiftly through the plains of western europe (something Suvorov stated long time ago)
  20. glassgowkiss


    You are correct dear sir. As Putin stated this very day, the blood is on our hands as we were teh one's who sold weapons to the Georgians... Wait. I seem to remember a list of people that Russia sold arms to. I think it was full of dictatorial regimes and terrorist front governments. If you are looking for pure evil, look at Putin. Bush is just a country bumkin fucking shit up. Putin is a real sadist; full of avarice and nationalist agenda. oh, for once i hate to say, but i agree. however i am furious at this administration and particularly Rice (resigning would be nice) for letting things get so fucked up. This fuck up will make iraq look like peanuts in a year or two. soviets (still call them that) will not stop there, they will continue. i bet Baltic states are their next target.
  21. glassgowkiss


    I believe him. like in Beslan? russians were always the masters of provocation. oddly enough several of the terrorists- hostage takers were killed 1-2 prior in Chechnya. so what gives?
  22. glassgowkiss


    this is not that complicated. system used from the beginning of soviet union. create a regional conflict and enter a pace keepers. today on NPR there was an interview with russian ambassador to the UN. he claimed russia was not going to invade Georgia. now this in Georgia looking at the larger scale there were several articles in russian media in the past several month, claiming oppression of russian minorities in the Baltic States. where do you think the russian troops will go next. Israeli/Palestine issue is also not that complicated. but it is a different issue from one we discuss here.
  23. glassgowkiss


    well, at lest my excuse is, that english is not my first language. however one might notice you also make a lot of mistakes, so what's your excuse? (besides stupidity and lack of intellect). let's see how many languages do you speak oh mighty self-proclaimed redneck? now go to the toolshed behind your house- your daddy is waiting...
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