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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. i don't see how dumping our retirement money into companies which went bankrupt in the first place is a good idea at all. there are no guarantees against another melt-down in 5, 10 or 15 years. i think (IF ANY!) help should be a slow and cautious process, not some mad rush.
  2. are you running fcs compressor? check your pm
  3. This is the market correction that's been long overdue. I say let the McMansions and the willfully and ignorantly overextended suck it...just like Barney Frank. i assume you are still for the bailout, since you never opposed it?
  4. this cry wolf game is getting old. first the terrorist threats, then iraq, now collapse of the economy.
  5. Adam, what's up with the pixel shift on your demo?????
  6. glassgowkiss


    hmm- i have the same problem. i thought it has maybe something to do with re-installing the system and running safari instead of firefox, but looks i am not the only one. i have to login only one, but if i login through the homepage i have to re-log on forums.
  7. called rick larsen's office and voiced my opposition to the bail out. from what his stuffer told me there is no way in hell gb is getting his 700 bill. this is a great news. why dump more money? gb is leaving on high note: leading the country into the biggest recession since 1929/30. great choice neo-cons- really great!
  8. taking car discussion aside always know your rights. first of all you are in title to verifying the radar readout (called radar lock). don't accept ticket till you actually see the figures. before every shift the officer is supposed to tune the radar for the conditions (like fog, rain and so). a proper paperwork must be filled up and the officer must be able to present it during court hearing. if any item missing from this procedure the fine must be dismissed. also know the jurisdiction. a campus police cop cannot issue you a citation. they have to call for city police and hand over the stop, unless your s.o.l and you are a student at the university.
  9. worthy advice of a inbred retard.
  10. Who ran Freddie and Fannie into the ground? Even as he and she took 90 million and 26 million dollar bonuses respectively? Who pressed for a gross relaxation of lending standards? Do some homework and let me know. who was in the office for the past 8 years? no homework is needed here. i don't think the collapse was before jan 25th 2001?
  11. how about your mom wanna-be commie?sorry, but i bet heavy petting zoo is already in your back yard, along with the toolshed where your daddy is waiting for you (it ain't pencil in his pocket either magic boy wonder)
  12. kind of funny, since you were pretty much wrong on every topic here. you are a wash-up like your choice for the president. describes you to the core
  13. and mass populous is just plain uneducated, stupid and unable to think for themselves and draw the conclusions. hence the popularity of vp candidate Palin, as they can relate to her 100%.
  14. well i must disagree on this one. comparing how things are in russia and here is like comparing raw onions and ham. which one would you rather have for lunch? my point is that this president handed over the keys to putin in 2001. now we see the results.
  15. glassgowkiss

    who nice

    the economic and political news made the local neo-cons just vanish. In the meantime: russia they did not predict this either. with financial sector in a total depression, ineffective military and the economy which doesn't manufacture anything anymore they can do whatever they want- unopposed. rice can spray all she wants, how tough they are, but at this moment they can do two things: jack and shit
  16. With Paulson proposing that there is to be no possibility of Congressional or judicial or administrative oversight of any kind, you gotta wonder if "curing the system" is really what is intended. and this is why our political system sucks! in parliamentary system there would a vote of no confidence, and early elections. the campaign would last 45 days and would not cost 1 billion!
  17. I also don't see how limiting executives pay in companies, who are getting bailed out is "punitive"? Aren't they responsible for making the crux decisions?
  18. The answer to your question is rather complex. It started with clinton and greenspan, but it's the administration of gb who put the mail in the coffin. There is a great article in the latest Time. I think also all these "experts" should fuck off, since they completely lost touch with real life on the street. Here is a quote from one of them: "How were we supposed to know that people who lied about their incomes and assets would walk away from mortgages on houses in which they had no equity? That wasn't in our computer model. It's not our fault". i don't see how dumping 700 billions would cure the situation in a long run. one of the big drags on the economy is our budget deficit. so i don't see a logic of making it bigger. let the cleaning of the system start. companies and individuals, who made bad decisions should suffer consequences. i say no bail out!
  19. now it gets even better! pretty much over night the numbers went up from 500 billion to 700 billion. and the outline of this bailout is 3 pages long! wtf, my car loan was something like 20 pages long! and of course this can't be looked over by the court system. now how the fuck is it supposed to work- borrow 700 billion to bail companies that made a lot of bad decisions and no oversight???!!!! it's fucking one step away from one party system. let's welcome our version of Putin.
  20. glassgowkiss


    i wonder Rudy, where did all the right wing republifucks go today, where is KK and FW?
  21. o I know that is tongue in cheek talk there, BUT, hasn't GW become the most socialist of all presidents? Where did his conservative goals go? He created two new government agencies, the biggest increase in govt employment, now this, buying up companies. I suppose socialists should in fact support GWB. (p. sorry fairwether.) fairweather is an indoctrinated idiot and in this current situation he run out of slogans to blindly repeat. that goes for the rest of white trash voting for GB. he still claims he knows this country better then the rest. at least he has his cheesus.
  22. and why is it always happening when republifucks are at the office? S&L crisis and now this! and how sound is this economy?
  23. this is fucked it's supposed to be capitalism not socialism. why should tax $$$ go to companies, which made bad decisions. maybe the ceo's, who screwed this up should return their hefty salaries and bonuses instead.
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