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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. Jason, Patagonia pays over 1K for a single picture if chosen for the catalog. If you go to iStock and purchase a picture from there you'll have to pay way more what you guys are offering. And in return photog gets cash, not some "credit". Hard to pay bills with in-store credit.
  2. So FW, when are you going to pay royalties for using my words?
  3. You're in denial. The my daddy shoved it, my uncle watched it. Nobody "forced" me to do anything.
  4. Bill, the problem is when you privatize the profit and socialize the loss- that's what's happening right now. they are trying to buy enough votes to send the financial regulatory reform down the drain. and that's a communism plain and simple- regardless of how loud you scream you are an anti-communist.
  5. we need more public bailouts! spin this kkk and fw
  6. Endorsing a genocide on the basis that the victims are Muslim (as FW did) is indisputably islamophobic. "Endorsing?" Not at all. But it's understandable that innocents are killed when Islamists stage hit-and-run attacks and then hide behind their own women and children. Placing a missile battery on top of an occupied apartment building in Beirut and then crying about its subsequent destruction by the IDF is an example that comes to mind, but Rob's sad picture is probably a product of the aforementioned tactic. Newsflash: we kill innocents too. Probably did it today. Somewhere in Northwestern Pakistan. Listen up you deepshit. What's going on in in Chechnia started back in 18th & 19th century. During 1940's entire villages were sent to Siberia or Kazakhstan. The only reason this region become muslim in the first place was to seek Ottoman Empire protection from Russian expansion in the region. So your comparison is way off base and in generally (and as usual) you are just full of shit.
  7. Sadly, it's you and your not-so-alter-ego Prole who is the racist fuck. Weren't you the one who, not so long ago, posted a picture of Jewish leaders dressed as Nazis all gathered around a map table of the middle east? In any event, I'll admit to a thorough intolerance of Islam and its followers. Not exactly racist, but whatever--not much different than the Christian-bashing that flows freely here with nary a peep from the likes of OffWhite. The days of libtards like yourself shutting down discussion with false accusations of racism are fading fast. sadly enough your initial statement shows just plain lack of knowledge and understanding of the history and status of the area of any kind. and endorsing a genocide of any kind maybe doesn't make you a racist, but certainly puts you into "asshole" category.
  8. why bother arguing with uneducated moron.
  9. the problem is you know jack and shit about history. now fuck off and talk about sarah palin's "climb"
  10. so far there was no need for them. we walked even to east creek without them. as the matter of fact in the afternoon they would be more liability then help due to balling. of course with hot weather predicted all week things will change rather quickly and most likely they will be required to get up and down the S-B col.
  11. I think it would take incredible "talent" to fall into almost non-existent schrund. Nate, i'll email you pics from B-C in a couple of days
  12. Driving towards Mt Vernon the other day I saw a bumper sticker: "Jesus did not tap out" FuckingA- I am shure he was into the whole MMA brutality and circus. I am sure there is plenty of "brilliant" stickers around! Let's hear about some.
  13. like your mom? now get lost, tool.
  14. My advice is to tape up for the Feather pitch, also bring three or four #2 Metolius cams (yellow TCU). Also routes showing as projects are done and there is a topo somewhere out there, they all go at about 5.11. The climb straight from the second belay of the Feather (before 11d traverse) looked great! The Feather pitch 11d rating is a bit of a sandbag imo
  15. Trip: Squamish new routes left of the Squaw - Date: 7/4/2010 Trip Report: Topo Figgin' hard and most excellent quality!
  16. For a full value don't skip 11d pitch low down and finish on High Planes Drifter- I think it's harder then Freeway.
  17. glassgowkiss


    in your face cunt!
  18. They went on and did a new route on Mt Foraker. Wishing him a speedy recovery from the frostbite. I like Colin's comment about this new route: "It makes Cassin look like Mt Si".
  19. Since you are Mac, why don't you use FCP instead of crappy Premiere?
  20. Use Mac the Ripper, download DVD it onto your HDD in form of TS files and then Use Toast 9 or 10. Use create DVD from TS files and you are ready to go. Easy as pie! Can't do it directly though. Oh into Premiere- use Mac the Ripper and then use Toast to transcode it into something editable- just maybe mpeg2? Or DVCPRO
  21. not any better looks like things are getting worst.
  22. Another tough day massaging dudes, eh? I think you are longing for the bunghole "massages" your daddy was giving you in a toolshed! looks like not so happy ending you turned out to be you califuckingfornian.
  23. "Angle is testing the limits of anti-Washington sentiment in a year when many voters are eager for change. She wants to abolish the Education Department and repeal the 16th Amendment that established the federal income tax. She has said Social Security and Medicare are "broken and bankrupt" and should be privatized." I am sure it can be successfully run by AIG, WAMU, Bear-sterns and such solid financial institutions. And how the fuck is this stupid teabagger is going to pay for 2 wars this country is involved in?
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