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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. glassgowkiss


    Can someone fund something for me, so I can make you aware of it....?
  2. If anyone has a chance please see "The Art of Freedom" documentary. It's about Polish climbers from the 70's and 80's. I had a chance to see it during VIMFF 2 weeks ago and it is a great film.
  3. No comment! 20 years of prison for flying with a camera, or 375K fine!!!!! Don't they have some real shit to deal with? Like one of the highest unemployment rates? [video:youtube]WVN52X8-t2U
  4. glassgowkiss


    I am going to your mom..........
  5. I need my FIRST POLISH ascent of something funded.
  6. If you are promoting something, at least have some legitimacy behind you. The problem is that a fantastic tool like kickstarter gets tharshed by shitheads like that. I think there is HUGE difference between trying to get cash for a legit venture, and a couple of assholes trying to get free vacations. I guess you are too stoned to see it that way.
  7. glassgowkiss


    yeah, I have never been to Hawaii. I am going to produce a surfing documentary, but i need surf gear and someone to pay my flight and stay there. Also I will need a water housing for my camera. I can swim in a pool, but i have never been swimming in open water. anyone wants to donate 10K?
  8. glassgowkiss


    Yeah, go boner! a campaign on kickstarter- I can't play anything, but I want you to buy me the whole drum kit, base, guitar, mikes and amps!
  9. glassgowkiss


    How about you don't watch it you judgmental prick. God damn...... how about you develop brain you fucking clowpunch? get back on your meds.
  10. glassgowkiss


    Don't need to suck cock to climb hard or to film in the mountains or do both: [video:vimeo]26046094
  11. fuckface had his sponsorship canned by Edeldrid.
  12. glassgowkiss


    Notice in this extraordinary high price tag is the equipment, that most of us (normal climbers) already own- like down jacket, good sleeping bag or a pair of crampons. Why the fuck can't they be just honest and say: "we want you to pay for our vacation?" Hell, even I would pledge 5 bucks.
  13. glassgowkiss


    weed is tvash domain. as a Polak, i think i would be drunk?
  14. lock the knee, lift the leg up. The opposite leg should be bent, to relieve pressure from SI joint. Get to the point of feeling a slight stretch on the back of the thigh. Hold the stretch FOR 2 SECONDS ONLY (thus avoiding stretch muscle reflex). Repeat 10 times. Make sure you are using your quadriceps and hip flexors, and the rope/sling is for assist only! Do it 3-4 times a day stretch shown done right
  15. glassgowkiss


    I think kickstarter is cool and some very interesting ventures were started in the past couple of years, so I see this as bad form. I think crowding sites like this, by promoting bullshit (like this abortion climb and film project) is lame and will turn people off from funding some legit stuff. This is nothing, but pure fraud.
  16. glassgowkiss


    A couple newbies with zero filming and big range climbing experience going up the easiest route! Must be a great documentary- rally looking forward to seeing the footage- NOT! Get a clue wankers! What a fucking joke!
  17. Love that kickstarter about climbing/filming Denali. What a fucking joke!! a few east coast clueless fucks! looking forward to seeing the finished film- NOT!
  18. Sounds great. What regulations do you suggest? I think insurance companies should charge fat people higher premiums, the same way they might charge smokers more. yes, let's charge everyone! Let's charge a person with mental illness more while you are at it! and if your kid gets sick- double the rates! wtf? before you start pointing fingers, why don't you tell us what is your body fat percentage.
  19. Yes Ivan, I have been to the South, so I understand and comprehend the concept of humidity. Also I have tasted the food people eat there. I bet lack of ability to exercise stems more from deep fried shit piles they eat, then from the heat and humidity. I understand that (like drug and alcohol abuse) overeating and obesity are a disease, and should be treated as such. But in order for people to get better, rest of us have to stop giving them a laundry list of excuses. I work with fat people every day, some of them in a lot of pain. I try to educate them and convince them, that it is their PERSONAL responsibility to take care of their body. Giving excuses is not helping. The fact of the matter is, that any healthcare system in this country is doomed, unless you re-regulate food industry.
  20. but, given that assuring access to healthcare is a fundemental requirement for a civilized nation, aren't you going to be the first to shit kittens when nefarious government agents call for "social engineering" by demanding excercise, control over diets, and the right to deny care to those deemed "unfit?" you sure ever phatty out there just "doesn't care" about his health? no role for genetics? where they live (christ, good luck staying in shape in alabama in the middle of summer!)? their job? access to whole-foods n' la fitnesses? i mean i like to hate a man as much as the next guy, and fatties can't hardly chase you down, but seeing as how skinny folks drop dead of cancer n' heart problems too, i'm not sure that these guys should be public enemeies #1... Now THAT is a pile of crap. So let's start with genetics. I am sure the genetics in Africa and African Americans aren't so different, same with population originating from Europe. While you'll have maybe 5-7% obesity due to genetic or other disorders outside of the US, why are African Americans obese at the same rate, which is about 70%. Stop with these excuses- there are NONE. The fact of the matter is in 2003 Group Health study found teenagers consuming 1800 calories per day in the form of soft drinks and an average calorie intake of 3900 for adults. Simple math shows- too much too eat and not enough energy output. People are free to choose whatever fucking lifestyle they want. But if you decide to be fat, you lose your right to bitch about healthcare cost. Unless you sign DNR and that is fine. So no healthy food in places- again it's simple. If people demand it, they will start selling better food. Don't like Wallmart- don't go and buy there- IT IS THAT SIMPLE!. And contrary to your ignorant statement skinny people are way less likely to develop cardio-vascular disease or cancer. There are statistics to back up my statement.
  21. I am not for getting rid of services, but what people have to realize, that the raising cost of healthcare is on par with increased costs of providing medical services. The increase need for medical services is due in vast majority due to obesity related illnesses. Even chronic pain in most cases are due to shitty diet, access weight and lack of exercise. We are spending 200 billion dollars on unnecessary back surgeries. In more then 80% of cases all these patients will redevelop pain. There is zero preventiveness, people in general don't care about their health. THAT is a real reason for cost increase.
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