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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. glassgowkiss


    plenty of sheep around......
  2. My bike is down, leaking oil out of front fork. Plus I hate pushing 46 pounds up hill for 30 minutes, so I can take a 5 minute ride down on shitty trails. N. Shore is still snowed up.
  3. rained in bellingham most of sat- including baker ski area, did not start clearing up till 1pm today. isn't it a climbers board? who gives a flying fuck if you can go hiking on a half rainy day. the point of this rant is that you can't go climbing. and of course, when it's time to go back to work it clears up- like clockwork. I bet by this thursday it will start getting shitty again.
  4. Oh it's clearing up- must be late Sunday afternoon then. Like fucking clockwork.
  5. Rudy, I am glad Drew is doing really well!!!!
  6. Now you can convert grades easy: grades
  7. dane, that tiresome bullshit hardly constitutes proof that twight is still alive. quite the contrary, it probably serves as definitive proof that he never really existed in the first place... oh he is alive and well off now. http://www.gymjones.com
  8. Tvash was actually referring to the Nepalese government. Revenue from mountaineering and tourism in the Annapurna and Everest regions has improved the quality of life for the people in those regions. Electricity, schools and medical centers exist becuase the the money from trekkers and mountaineers. Sure there is wealth discrepancy and environmental impacts (deforestation / garbage etc.) but those issues exist in all third world countries. At least the people in heavily visited areas of Nepal are aware that environmental issues directly impact tourism in their regions. You can't compare China and Nepal, period. And I think agencies and guide services organizing trips to Everest hardly contribute to the local economy above what they absolutely have to. How much of the 50K these companies are charging gullible fools is really left in Nepal? I am not talking about small expeditions or trackers, but organized trips to Everest. In general I hold these companies at the same level as oil industry.
  9. I agree with most of your statement, but the crux of the biscuit is how it is implemented. That is my precise dislike of the expedition industry, as most of these companies don't really give a shit. Instead on using their economic leverage, they just rake profit, and leave the places trashed. I'll give you 2 examples: earthquake in Pakistan and teaching Sherpas basic skills- in both cases expedition industry did not really lift the finger. Hence my stance: the only thing they do support is- their bottom line. And participating in this circle jerk should be avoided- Thanks Mark for pointing it out!.
  10. Interesting- a virus isn't really an organism, there is a discussion what it really is (since it doesn't have a cell structure), but it has it's "system". Great way to dumb down the science if you ask me.
  11. Well, at least I have 21 years behind an Iron Curtain, while growing up in a communist country. There might be technical differences, how each of the countries will implement the system, but in a nutshell- these are just technical issues. And the point I am making there is no such term as "decentralization", as the system revolves around a small group making policy. Any "grassroots" "decentralization" is treated as an attempt to decrease the ruling power. Climbers might want to be blind to political facts and tend to ignore them, however in China- the politics and climbing are tied together. As the matter of fact- I refuse to give China my money, and visit- what is an illegally occupied territory.
  12. Both of you are so knowledgeable- have you spent any time in a communist country? This term "decentralization" is not in a vocabulary of the system. Who makes the decision, are the different levels of polit-bureau. Officially in China everyone works only 40 hour week.... go figure. Local population can try to minimize the impact. And particularly in China, the only "local movement" will be within the boundaries established by polit-bureau.
  13. The point is that Chinese don't give a shit about most of things- environmental impact is very low on their priority list. So while the expeditions to Everest generate some revenue for the local population, they also will destroy the area for sure. The entire North side of the mountain is becoming covered with old ropes, old, torn tents, empty O2 tanks, slopes covered with feces and urine stains. And self regulation never really works either. Saying that these expedition have ANY positive impact is utter bullshit at it's best. They offer zero real experience, they offer zero sport value and they just leave wreckage all over the place. But hey, you can justify anything if you spin it fast enough, remember WMD?
  14. Hey everyone! I will be making some videos about some of the common injuries, and injury recovery. They will be free, on-line. I am planning on doing 3 first: medial epicondylitis, shoulder and lower back pain. I was planning on going plantar faciatis and knee pain later. Are there any other injuries you'd like to see covered by these? The format will be simple: a brief description of the symptoms and their causes, forms of treatment out there and self help (like icing and stretching) for specific injuries. Please keep it spray free.
  15. I am sure Chinese really worry about environmental impact. [video:youtube]sLcgxIGTFRs
  16. angry white guys are becoming extinct relic of the past due to their poor health in general. At the age of 70, there twice as many females as males, the ratio gets even worse at 80. In 10 years they will be "nobody gives a flying fuck about you" group. Since the only "power" they represent is the numbers the outcome is simple: no numbers=no power. In the meantime there are 50K latinos turning 18 every day. This generation is lost, since for the past 10 years they were hearing nothing, but a stream of insults and threats of deportation.
  17. well, it's going to be hard to get that brown vote, since for the past 10 years they were blamed for everything is wrong with this country, and most of the right wing fucks wanted to just deport their family members. In this regard republicans are pretty much fucked, no matter what they are trying to do now.
  18. New political landscape- winning an angry white and uneducated vote doesn't get you into the president's chair.
  19. The first page should read: "Dear wanker, thanks for the donation! Now instead of reading this, just go climbing and climb a lot. If you don't die in the precess, you will get good at it!" This would pretty much surpass any book advice. I am not aware of any of my climbing friends actually reading the whole thing. And returning to the original post- who give the shit about oxygen, when you are getting guided. 50% of these people would not survive on their own.
  20. glassgowkiss


    that what your mom said
  21. glassgowkiss


    I gave your mom a five last night, but she should probably keep it for your new baby brother I gave your mom herpes last night- don't know if she wants to keep it though?
  22. glassgowkiss


    If you can get someone to pay for you then great. Is that not capitalism at its finest? So is sucking cock for money. But imho not something to be proud of and post all over internet.
  23. The interesting bit is that it doesn't regulate RC planes and drones in general- just with the camera. There are already privacy laws in place, that regulate this manner from way in the past, so why write specific law for RC planes and drones? FAA regulates these issues from 400 ft above the ground and around the airports. The pure purpose of this law is to corner a market of a few and chosen, and prevent competition in aerial filming in the future. And btw- any non-emision regulations regarding use of air space is federal by nature.
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