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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. yeah, like someone is trying to impersonate me. good luck pal
  2. i was thinking u were talking about pope and (d)winer team, but then it would be town clownpunch-fader, sorry for spray...
  3. pope and (d)winer, your text ( http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/433512/an/0/page/0#433512 ) is so fucking lame and boring, made me wana puke my lunch out. if your climbing ability is any match to your writing, please stay home, as i don't want to hear about another deepshit being rescued. maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass (still looking for that lost gerbil?) you'd know what outside world looks like. as far as your butt-buddy (d)winer (do you need some cheese with that clownpuncher?) and his climbing ability i don't think it's worth my time (or anybody elses) to even dicuss it. both of you guys are so fucking full of shit that you are getting high on fumes from ass-turd-overload you miserable jizz-gurgling dushbag. now get lost ps and if you have a problem with that a good kick to the balls and shoe up the ass will straighten you right the fuck out
  4. pope, your text is so fucking lame and boring, made me wana puke my lunch out. if your climbing ability is any match to your writing, please stay home, as i don't want to hear about another deepshit being rescued. maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass (still looking for that lost gerbil?) you'd know what outside world looks like. as far as your butt-buddy (d)winer (do you need some cheese with that clownpuncher?) and his climbing ability i don't think it's worth my time (or anybody elses) to even dicuss it. both of you guys are so fucking full of shit that you are getting high on fumes from ass-turd-overload you miserable jizz-gurgling dushbag. now get lost ps and if you have a problem with that a good kick to the balls and shoe up the ass will straighten you right the fuck out
  5. colder, not cold. clinton is supposed to be -6 night and -3 day, this is lillooet: A mix of sun and cloud. Wind south 50 km/h increasing to 60 gusting to 90 this afternoon. High 11. Tonight: Cloudy. 40 percent chance of showers. Wind south 60 km/h gusting to 90 diminishing to 40 overnight. Low 8. Wednesday: A mix of sun and cloud. 60 percent chance of showers in the evening. Wind south 40 km/h gusting to 60. High 13. Thursday: Cloudy. 60 percent chance of showers. Low 5. High 10. Friday: Cloudy. 60 percent chance of showers. Low 4. High 6. Saturday: A mix of sun and cloud. Low minus 3. High plus 1. it's +9C right now in lillooet. the main issue is amount of daylight. with increase of daylight the temps must be much lower to couter melting during day. and i don't think there is any sense to fit 50 people in marble or oregon jack- the only 2 areas that have any chance of surviving this crap weather.
  6. here is another suggestion. the gym in Everett had so called "dry ice". why don't they organize a get together. little friendly comp, then party/beer and slideshow. at least people can get a bit tired before hammering beer down. looking at the weather page- Clinton is cooling off a bit on Sun., but who knows? and with majority of ice gone by now we will need a bit more then a week of cold temps to have any decent ice. so how about it Cascade Crags? are you up for it? (ps i really don't give a shit, since i'll be climbing in the Rockies for 2 weeks )
  7. i looked up the forecast for the next 5 days. same crap. even Rockies is warm, +4C in Banff at the moment. at least there there is a lot of stuff higher and N facing, so some ice will be left. talked to couple of people there and the temps are starting to effect the ice. as far a littlewet goes i don't think much will be left in 2 weekends (judging by the pic by Dru). sad, really sad.
  8. if you ship them, you can ship them to the airline you'll be flying with. TAT is the best this way. Call them, let them know, they will hold it for you till you arrive. you can have a bag with both pairs of skisand bunch of other items, like your fome pads and some lighter stuff. check with the airline what is the wieght limmit on odd size bagage.bar far the best airline is alaska. 2 thumbs down for delta.
  9. i worked 2 van marathons. typically the problem with this one is the spring weather. the first one was about 45F and rain with about 20mph winds. last year was better. it's a hilly run, so practice long up-hills. i work a lot with marathon runners. my advice is- start with half, knock a couple of them and then try a full one. don't think about time (or how fast is your mile), but just don't get injured and finish a few races. but long distance running is a very harsh sport, takes a lot of your time. add some muscle balancing, use good footbeds with your shoes. i ma moving back to seattle at the end of feb, so i can help you out. have fun- r
  10. ok alex, his and hers don't think are anymore there at this point, grotto is kind of wet and most of the pillars in johnston fell off http://www.live-the-vision.com/wwwboard/messages/9142.html http://www.live-the-vision.com/wwwboard/messages/9160.html and from gravsports.com: After a month of really crazy weather things are starting to settle out. The avi hazard is generally lower, and most of the roads are back open (the Parkway is still closed from Saskatchewan River Crossing to Jasper but is supposed to fully open today, crazy quantities of ice on the road!). The extreme rain/freeze/tropics/-40 combinations have both laid in some interesting ice and destroyed the same. Cascade has fallen down and is currently not a climb (note the really huge debris piles in the middle and at the bottom), but Sea of Vapors still looks good, as do the other routes like Professor's (again, check out the huge debris piles for an illustration of why this route is bad in high avi hazard conditions). Hafner is still in surprisingly good shape, and the Hoar House cave has a full compliment of hoar. Neolithic is substantially different than it used to be, as is Cave Man, but both are still climbable at M10- and powerful M11 respectively. Overall the ice weathered the crazy weather pretty well, the concern now is sudden heating and avi hazard, about normal for the Rockies this time of year. shades of beauty is more like 4.5 hour drive from calgary and has a huge slope above it and maseys has only about one mile of slope to the top of mt stephen- i would consider it one of the more dangerous places in high avi conditions.
  11. technically it is not the highest point in europe. this topic was discussed in exess on www.wspinanie.pl. according to Jerzy Wala (who is somewhat an authority on euorpe and asian mtn ranges)Elbrus is outside of geographical borders of europe, so it can't be the highest point.
  12. ok as usual the topic drifted waaaay away from what i was saying. it wasn't about gender differances or other shit like that. my point was that this woman in particuar writes a book about the events that took place many years ago. first of all there is nothing more you can write on this topic, since people involved are dead. so there is no chance to obtain information first hand and charachters involved can answer to any of it. it's an analysis of an analysis. and to play is safe she wraps it into a nice "feminist package"- so nobody can critique her- that's all i'm saying and that's what i call bullshit. a little fucking honesty can go a long way. there were at least a dozen books written on this subject. on the other hand why not write about some female climber, who is still alive and does high altitude climbing? hey, maybe because she could not write a bunch of hyped up bullshit and make money off it. or maybe because it's much easier to be called on your bullshit by people who are alive? like i said - a little honesty please....
  13. talked to some reliable people who were there during festiglass. there is plenty of ice for all the climbers.
  14. that's my point about avi danger and easier routes. for the latest conditions check www.gravsports.com . also www.live-the-vision.com the exeption would be fron range and ghost valley (as low avi hazard), but i don't know what driving into ghost is. like i said fly red-eye, rent a car, climb for 3 or 4 days and fly back
  15. no longer free parking. now it's 4 or 6 bucks a day.
  16. for what you want- the answer is yes. you want to climb moderate climbs. at this point there aren't that many routes in the rockies that would fit your profile, are avalanche safe and would not be crowded. i was very much impressed with quality of climbing in quebec. other suggestion would be to fly to thunder bay, but in feb you might be dealing with very low temps. the thing about Ponte Rogue is if you don't feel like leading it is fairly easy to hang a tr, as it is a gorge.
  17. where do you live? if in seattle, drive up to vancouver, fly to montreal red eye o west jet. right now they have 120Can sale (one way) plus taxes, so you'll pay about 390 Can RT with one plave change in toronto.
  18. my suggestion would be to go to quebec. ponte rogue, san alban. you can fly to montreal, rent a car, drive 2 hours north east and climb your little butt off. ponte rogue has a motel you can stay for 58 CAN/ night (don't remember the name). it has everything from WI3 to WI7. you can climb in the shade or the sun. also around quebec city there are some climbs, some multi pitch, you can find info in the new edition of the guide. forget colorado, forget slc.
  19. and this was my point all together. so first of all i wanted to say that i climb with female partners a lot. and this is exactly how a lot of my climbing friends and i think. if i want to climb a hard route i want a partner that can manage- male or female. my problem with this situation is: she decides to write a book about events that took place many years ago and the players are dead. so people described in her book can't respond to so called "facts" in her writtings. there was always unspoken law among alpinists not to write about people who are no longer with us. some things are better left alone. as i stated before: to me stuff like this is just analysis of an analysis. there are plenty of subjects and people to write about, people who can respond. and to wrap it into a so called "feminist packge" leaves very bad aftertaste. tregedy sells, controversy sells. i can say this for fact- she always called it F(irstF(ree)A(ascent) of elcap in a day, not the FFFA (first free female ascent) let me go back to this- this is what i was writing about- crash and burn. tragedy sells, controversy sells. and to continue topic of boundries- krakauer was the first to brake it down. what was said in the article in outside should have been enough. imo some of the shit he put in the book was nothing more then slander.
  20. any route topos or at least ratings?
  21. oh yeah, like it's worth to drive for 4 hours for yet another bout on some shitty wet ice, let soaking wet, have water run down to your arm pits and later down under. might as well put a bag of ice cubes in a washer, turn it on, dip yourself in it, smash your cold wet fingers with a lid a couple of times and call it good. pretty much the same. desperate, but not that despaerate
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