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Everything posted by glassgowkiss

  1. you stupid fuck- if your platform is "moral", like this administration i can hardly see the connection between actions and claims. besides- we are talking national security and blowing cover for CIA field agent as an act of revenge.
  2. glassgowkiss


    "Makes me proud to be an American when some Commie country can provide the care that we can't" now that's a load of shit. This care is provided to the chosen people only. the group at the top decides if you get it or not. the only reason cuba sustained their "economy" is because soviets were dumping something like million bucks a day to keep it going. it was also used as a retreat for soviet and other "nomenklatura" oligarchs. it was also used by soviet trained terrorists, like Carlos to recover. imo moore crossed a line of documentary vs propaganda long time ago. and his "facts" are not facts but a bunch of bs. take his doc on guns. he meets with Heston- NRA president. i don't like nra, but little honesty please. the episode of a girl getting shot in flint and nra rally were 7 months apart!
  3. oh yes, took some time to get the colors right. light in this motel is kind of a challenge.
  4. ok, here it goes, my first climbing movie. some of the footage i shot was log time ago, so sorry about sometime low quality. let's see what you think. http://www.videophotoproductions.com/films/motel.mov use quicktime. if you don't have quicktime go to http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/ for a free download
  5. Caution! there are 2 large trees above zoom, hanging by whatever! There is also at least one boulder size of a human torso, right at the edge of a small ledge. All this stuff is hanging right above Zoom area. We saw some guys climbing there last afternoon. i don't think the helmets they were wearing would be a much of help! Till this crap is down on the ground I would recommend staying away from Orc Tower and all the climbs under the hangers.
  6. the standards over there can sum up a picture- 2 inch pipe spewing raw acetone straight into a bay....
  7. Some of the companies jumped the wagon and are trying to drum up free ads through "envirorment ticket". yeah, you have to be kidding me with your choice! Prana and Patagonia are full of crap, since they move their production to China and Vietnam. Even Alpinist prints in China by now. Let's face it- a big part of cost suffered by manufacturer in the US are not only wages, but also envirormental regulations and disposal of chemicals. These coutries do not have such regulations, hence they just ditch toxic chemicals into rivers and bays. to say mildly these companies are not for evirorment, they are for maximizing proffits and for the bottom line. I don't agree with providing free ads for two-faced liers. I am not telling them how to run their companies, but please a little honesty would be nice!
  8. jobs- yeah, if you work in a nursing home or you are a construction worker. that's about it. cost of living vs your earnings by far the worst. plus the rain, driving to squish is a pain. i am moving. b-ham was ok 6-7 years ago, now it's overgrown suberbia with no jobs
  9. 12"x8" 4.2mm Stealth rubber for sale (should be enough for 1-2 pairs) 15USD includes shipping. 12"x8" 2.5mm Stealth rubber 12 USD (shipping included) drop me a line to my email: muscletx at yahoo. Pay with a check or Paypal.
  10. glassgowkiss

    stupid pm

    what kind of stupid person would write this: "I never really do this shit but I just had to this time. Spray all you want but who could really disagree with me when all I want to say is that you really need to think a little more about publicly posting misogynistic (look it up) bullshit like, " I love pussy but never the bitch it's attached to." If you're 20 and still have your head up your ass, I understand (unfortunately), but really...have more respect for yourself and the other half of the world's population. I'm guessing you're a better person than that so do us all a favor and drop the hate." what i recommend is a healthy dose of fiber to losen up his puckered up ass. i would also recommend a pair of pliers to pull a log out of your ass. and on behalf of the majority of word's population- please get a sense of humor!
  11. anybody has any? (and willing to share it?)thanks- r
  12. Rudy- i have talked to several people, who feel the same. at some point i will find the person doing this shit and i will post their name. the simple message is- actions have consequences. that's all.
  13. For a lot of climbers Index is our home crag. The recent news of anchor removal is not only annoying, but also disturbing. Removing rap anchors on popular routes is lame. Anybody knowing people who are responsible for these actions and not exposing them to the rest of climbing community are equally guilty. ANYBODY sneaking around removing anchors, pretending to make a statement, but hiding their identity are a friggin’ pussy with no balls whatsoever. I would like to see such names made know to public.
  14. any 60lbs 12yo without any tits can do this try this for a change: http://www.koreus.com/media/breakdance.html a lot of best climbers i have seen couldn't do any of this. however it didn't get in their way of doing 14a OS. climbing is the ONLY way to taking it to the next level.
  15. ratings- who cares- it's just numbers. talking about numbers- there is a vast numbers of numb nut morons dropping ropes on your head without any warning. the number of rattle snakes and helmet wearing mountie types is almost equal. one group of crawlers belongs there, the other doesn't. and what's up with endless topropes? like a party of 10 hangs 3 ropes and blocks cliff entire day. sneaking from above and dropping a rope on someone's head is LAME!
  16. please, please, please- have them sign a model release and i'll incorporate it into the movie along with your stories. btw hockey haircut- do you know mullets are also called Canadian Passport?
  17. re Mac platform. fact of the matter is that computers piss me off- mac or pc. same shit with diferent set of problems. i am user, not a comp geek. however Final Cut is by far the simplest and easiest pro edit program out there right now. i tried many otheres (like Avid) and did not like them. this is simple- drag and drop and that's all. if pc get their shit together- i will switch. and the hardware recognition. just plug in my camera and start capturing. no need to download drivers! sorry about the rant- r
  18. yes, mulletsgalore.com is a must! however there are copy rights involved as you know. we were more interested in a stigma of the haircut and how people (specially women) react to it then in actual haircut. i think by this fall i'll have a 24 minute movie ready to show.
  19. yes, but you can play it on Macs.
  20. here is a link (work safe) to put a smile on your face: http://www.videophotoproductions.com/films/mullet.mov enjoy
  21. last weekend we saw some dolt aiding up jap gardens with a pace of a slow snail. btw sat morning this was one of the only few dry pieces of rock up there. i mean what's up!?? since you are hanging off gear anyway why don't you go up some real aid pitch instead of going up a free route, that goes up at moderate grade!!?? i mean what are you going to learn? how to piss everyone else off? if it was your goal- you are 100% on target.
  22. no that's a bunch of bullshit. parties tr-ing a route all day long is a friggin horseshit. learn to respect other people and to share the crag. gang-bang tr-ing all day long (blocking access for other people) is just another elitist behavior done by clown punching wankers
  23. from supertopo: "I've been around the metal fabricating world in one capacity or another for beter than 35 years now. ASME has had well developed procedures for all aspects of welding and brazing for a hell of a lot longer than that. If I buy a non presurized chemical storage tank, that if it fails will only result in a major hassle but no posible loss of life. That tank will have about an inch of paper submitted before the approval for fabrication that documents all the: Structural calculations, Seismic loading calculations Documentation of the quality of the materials and fasteners supplied, The exact welding procedures to be used, Proof of certification of the welders that do the procedures. Documentation of test procedures Results of sample and final tests. Witnessing by a third party of final tests. etc. All of this by independent and licenced pros or at a minimum the signature of someone asuming legal responsibility for the accuracy of the statements. There's no need for "lilly Guilding" and frankly a lot of those requirements are imposed only to guarantee an income stream for those with the power to mandate regulations that benefit themselves. Still, climbing equipment should at least be built to common ASME standards! BD, Metolious, DMM, and others seem to adhere internaly to a parallel sytem of standards. And, when their products do fail, it is almost always due to stressing beyond design limits, and they still seem take the failures seriously. CHH from all acounts and the general apperance of their product has an ad hoc approach to quality control. If you can't afford the kind of quality control program that is industry standard, maybe you should be making a widget that no one is hanging their a$$ out on. That's why I've never owned any." can't agree more. hope this last incident is trully last one and a hefty lawsuite will put them out of business once and for all.
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