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Everything posted by adventuregal

  1. Exactly!
  2. I have never been able to get the chat room to work... so I gave up trying...
  3. Luckily around here you can buy them just about anywhere... And they're all yummy!!!
  4. Me me me!!! I do!!! They are only like my favorite food ever! I had one... 4 days ago on my drive to school. EVERYONE should try pasties! I know what pasties are I happen to make excelent cornish pasties YUUUMMMEEERRRSSSS MUFFY RULES!!!!!!!
  5. Be careful!!! They make some MEAN gin and tonics up there!!!
  6. Me me me!!! I do!!! They are only like my favorite food ever! I had one... 4 days ago on my drive to school. EVERYONE should try pasties!
  7. It's pretty sad if 4 girls make up 75% of the CC.com spraying population!!! it's all jon's fault daisy is still banned I never had the pleasure of reading any of daisy's posts...
  8. It's pretty sad if 4 girls make up 75% of the CC.com spraying population!!!
  9. If you're having margaritas for lunch it can't be a completely awful day!!!
  10. Yes! And notice we have been talking about cute climber chicks. Not necessarily size 0 cute climber chicks...
  11. front butt?
  12. I know of one that just moved to town.....and she is single! Plus she can kick my ass in the BC. Literally flew up Denali! Give Szyjakowski her #... sounds like he could use some help!!
  13. Bummer Minx... I am loving today!! Free lunch! Think happy thoughts!!!
  14. Then I don't know if you can blame the town for not having a cute climber chick by your side if you leave all the time!!
  15. Well shit! Then why aren't all you single men hooked up with cute climber chix if there's so many??!! who says the cute climber chix would have any of these guys?
  16. Well shit! Then why aren't all you single men hooked up with cute climber chix if there's so many??!!
  17. I was thinking more along the lines of the US, but yep, you're definitely right!
  18. Ya think there ARE two million chicks that climb??
  19. Boys... you better just keep dreamin' because there are like one in a million girls who look like that and climb like that also... but there are plenty of fat chicks out there for ya'll I bet!!
  20. Poor JoshK! He writes his TR full of happiness and excitement and what does he get from us but a bunch of posts arguing about whether marriage is worth it or not!! Tho I guess it's good to hear what CAN happen... But best of luck to you Josh!!!!!
  21. OR hold onto it once you've got it!
  22. Trask. You can keep your kinky animal sex fetish to yourself, thankyouverymuch! That's what they all say at first. After two months of mind-splitting sex, when I throw you away, you'll never find a man to measure up to the orgasmic love-fest Trask gave you. Thanks for the kind offer Trask... But I'm happy w/ what I've got.
  23. Trask. You can keep your kinky animal sex fetish to yourself, thankyouverymuch!
  24. Trask, just because YOU haven't read anything besides this message board all summer doesn't mean that everyone else is as pathetic as you!! that wasn't a very nice thing to say to me, adventuresome when was the last time you got laid? Much more recently than YOU I am sure!!!! do you bark like a dog? Nope.
  25. Trask, just because YOU haven't read anything besides this message board all summer doesn't mean that everyone else is as pathetic as you!! that wasn't a very nice thing to say to me, adventuresome when was the last time you got laid? Much more recently than YOU I am sure!!!!
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