So I cooked myself some gourmet Campbell's alphabet soup for dinner just now.... Anyways, check this out...
Spoon 1: the letters H and E
Spoon 2: the letters I and S
Spoon 3: the letter W
Spoon 4: the letters O and W...
What does that spell?
he is wow.
What is my soup telling me??!!!
Winston? Winston, like in Churchhill. What the hell is a Finn doing with a middle name like Winston? It should be Matti,Anders,Nestor,Emil,Jussi,Sulo,Waino,Markku, etc.,etc.
What about Toivo?!
i luv it. that has to be straight outta the empowered woman 101 textbook.
noway those feminazi types scare me!
TOTALY mee too.
Whatever ladies! Don't you know that females are the superior species? We can do everything a man can and more!!! Make way men. Us women are going to rule the world! Only kidding!
prolly sound advice. i read a statistic that while about 50% break up. people who abstain form sexual intimacy before marriage, have more than 90% chance of staying together. i wonder if there is truth to this.
Babnik, where are you getting the stats from? This may be way off base and a complete generalization, but... it seems like the majority of people these days who abstain from premarital sex are usually the devoutly religious type. These are also the type of people who would tend to stay in an unhappy marriage so as not to be disgraced or sin, etc... Hence the much lower divorce rate. Just a thought.
LALALALALA... I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!! So much pessimism here. I know I am probably young and ignorant... but till I experience differently I am going to continue to believe that if you find the right person, marriage can and will be a wonderful thing...
well, i guess it has the edmund fitzgerald, and zebra mussels - what else?
And swimming and sailing and surfing and windsurfing and ice fishing and kayaking and big waves and skinny dipping and beauty...
Zebra mussels suck!