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Everything posted by Luna

  1. Are you nuts? PCBs are no problem. The chemical queen who penned this is an industry shill. Farmed salmon generally have much higher toxic content in their fat because they spend the bulk of their lives in water that has a higher PCB content that where wild fish spend their time. Farmed fish are usually in low-energy sounds and bays, where, surprise, PCBs are more prevelant. Wild fish in contrast are spawned in streams, not usually in industrial areas, and head out to sea, spending 1-2 years on the way out, depending on species. The whole piece you quote looks like opinion, with no supporting evidence. And given the source, the Monsanto chick, I'll stick to wild fish thanks.
  2. Luna

    Cattle Grazing

    The short answer is yes, it is a subsidy. There are some great GAO studies that show how much money is spent "managing" grazing allotments on public land, while trashing the habitat. The GAO conclusion was the obvious: remove grazing for a win/win solution, improve habitat conditions and save money. So yes, your tax dollars are going for managing the cows, fees bring in enough to cover about 10% of the costs, and the habitat gets trashed. Some bargin.
  3. Heeeello: New flash. There is no clearcutting in the National Park System. You must mean USFS.
  4. Luna

    I hate my job!

    Sounds like a god-awful job due. And boring
  5. Actually yes, thanks for asking. Last month I got up Edith Cavel, did some climing in Eldorado Canyon, and two weeks ago led the split pillar at Squash. What have you been up to - something desperate at the Feathers
  6. Funny but way too close to reality.
  7. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget office has come out with their latest estimate and - surprise! - we've gone from record budget surpluses to record deficits in just two years. An estimated $500 billion for next year and a ten year cumulative debt of $5.8 trillion (yes trillion). And this with a conservative estimate that growth will surge next year and continue for the rest of the decade (yea, right). Gotta hand it to the bushies, they've reached terminal velocity much faster than anyone predicted.
  8. Luna

    Red Rocks to Nome

    Sounds like you better pack for all climates if you're going from RR to Nome in Sept. Good luck. Sounds like fun but I've only climbed at RR once - don't know the place well.
  9. Luna

    Bush and Powell II

    While the pre-war debates were on-going I called these guys liars and got blasted by some, praised by others. Now after (well continuing) mess it looks like, surprise, they were lying. Americans are so easily scared - the Iraqis are coming to get you - they'll allow the pols to do anything. All you have to do is cry boogieman and wave the flags and the sheep get in line. Pathetic. So here's the results: 500 tons of nerve agents: Lie Links to Al Queda: Lie Advanced nuclear program: Lie Bio-warfare: Lie And the best was - An imminent threat to the US - Hah! Kuwait didn't even consider them one! Or any other neighbor, or Europe. : Lie What's more amazing is that the public and Congress got so bent over a lie about a tryst than going to war.
  10. How about prison sentences for ex-military, ex-microsoft types with multiple avatars. Get a life already.
  11. Man, this has all the appeal of a mountaineers outing.
  12. Here's a good summary of the mess we made. http://www.counterpunch.org/boles1010.html
  13. Oh this is rich!! First deny that they were sending it and now claim it was likely for good use. Gimme a break - read the cited report dude. Maybe the white house could use that logic train. They need some help in the PR department lately.
  14. Hmmmm. Remember Bush's State of the Union Address when he said that Iraq had: "...up to 300,000 warheads, 500 tons of chemical weapons, 25000 liters of anthrax, 38,000 liters of botulinum toxin and an advanced nuclear weapons program" And how could one forget Powell's performance at the UN when he stated strongly that the US had clear evidence on the location of chemical weapons facilities. Oh yea, did you read Seymour M. Hersh's piece in the New Yorker of ho the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans led a campaign that distorted the appraisal of Iraqi unconventional weapons. Oh and another tid-bit. Remember the administration's claim that Iraq tried to buy uranium from Niger for atom bombs, claims that were based on forged documents. The latest twist is that the administration investigated the documents more than a year ago and was told they were bogus. For example, a Niger minister whose signature was on one document had been out of office for more than a decade. Check out the 5/11 NYT for this and more. And lo and behold - no WMP found. The military will scrape around the trailers they recently found and report they found two anthrax spores. Yep, Iraq was a big threat to us. It was all political propaganda. It's sad that the US public is so gullible.
  15. Seems like a slow spray day so: Funny. Remember the big show at the UN during the debates and the US position presented by Powell. "We have verified information on the location and extent of Iraq's WMD program". So far: 1) No WMD in sight 2) No nuclear program 3) No Saddam 4) No Bin Laden connection 5) No terrorist connections Oh well. Hey, let's turn the national attention on the next administration adgenda - tax cuts!! While we run up the deficit. Priceless isn't it?
  16. Luna

    Which 4WD SUV?

    Wow - this is getting to be an odd thread. The above quote especially so. Have to wade into the deep end of the testosterone pool for this one. Why not just slap a big L on you forehead why don't 'cha? Or I guess you could just buy a big honkin' SUV or - oh, wait a minute. Men- can't live with them, can't take them out with the trash.
  17. Luna

    what a disgrace ...

    But the poor souls are now free , free I say. (Roll flag, stars and stripes background, cheering crowds)
  18. Um, I'm not sure what you meant by the post but I would strongly advise you to check out the context of this quote. It's not what you think. Or, what I think you think it means. Do you know where it comes from or did you just snatch it from the web somewhere?
  19. I was too late to make the daily summary. Sniff.
  20. Mtn Goat - You need to educate yourself on this one, it's not hard to find. Here's a book I would suggest: Blum, William. The CIA, A Forgotten History: U.S. Global Interventions Since World War 2. London: Zed Books, 1986. 428 pages It documents how the CIA helped Saddam get put in place by the CIA. The US was worried about the commies getting a foothold in the middle east. We saw Saddam as a balance against the growing Islamic movement (democratic mind you) and gave his group weapons and intelligence. As he was grabbing power the CIA, out of the Cario office, gave Saddam a list of 500 opposition group members. Saddam rounded them up and slaughtered them. These are the facts, and they are easy to find. Suggest you read up a bit. Sorry I but I didn't see this until now. Would have saved the pissing contest. But this is old news. It was on Frontline a few weeks ago. Seemed straightforward to me, CIA was in there thick. Helped our boy Saddam and gave him a list of opposition guys to take care of. End of story. Think I'll step back out as advised by Allision and have a
  21. Luna

    Which 4WD SUV?

    Later gator.
  22. Luna

    Which 4WD SUV?

    What a wit! Maybe you need to get a job instead of hanging out here all day. It could help you apparent lack of social skills. How many posts do you have for God's sake?
  23. Luna

    Which 4WD SUV?

    I think the point of the Climate stickers is to point out the absurd image most of these folks are trying to promote. Huge, outdoorsy, yet giant gas guzzlers. JayB has a point about other vehicles, but they pale in comparison to the yupster mobiles like the number of Yukons, Excursions and the like you see around. Sorry but I don't get the point of driving around in these things. Sticker on I say. These folks should be embarassed.
  24. Luna

    Which 4WD SUV?

    Despite a couple civil exchanges - whew! does this one smell of testosterone. What is it with guys and trucks?
  25. Thanks for the concise reply Fejas. I wouldn't do this myself but was curious. Just a break from my day behind the desk (rare). Interesting some repliers start geting bent about thread. It's cc.com for crying out loud.
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